Saturday, 30 June 2018

Circular No 869

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 30 of June 2018 No. 869
Dear Friends,
Here is an article on a product that you might want to get a franchise
Toddy Ramsahai enterprise
Check out this article - wonder if someone will bring this to Ottawa!
A DOUBLES factory operator in San Juan says the company has invented a doubles-making machine and a pholourie machine, which can cut production times of the local culinary delights by 40 per cent.
The doubles machine can produce up to 1,000 doubles an hour while the pholourie machine can make 12,000 pholouries in an eight-hour shift.
The machines are the brainchild of Toddy Ramsahai of Radha Swami Industries Ltd, the company which owns and operates supermarket-based doubles outlets branded as “Doubles King”.
For the past three years, the Boundary Road, San Juan factory has been using the machines to mass-produce barra and pholourie which are then sold to local vendors.
In an interview with Express Business at the factory last Friday, Ramsahai disclosed that a businessman in England has already put in an order for the machines.
“The England client has a roti business and he wants to diversify into doubles and pholourie now.
He came to Trinidad and tested them out.
We’re in the process of exporting,” he said. “The initial idea behind the machine was to simplify the doubles-making process and to make the barra more consistent, so when you go to buy doubles you will have a consistent type of product.”
Jun 29 at 7:39 AM
Hi Ladislao
Please post this update by Don Goddard in your next Circular.
Un fuerte Abrazo,
On Thursday, June 28, 2018 1:02 PM,
Donald A Goddard <> wrote:
In a phone call this morning from Tony Seheult, he mentioned the possibility of Richard Galt making it to the Mount Reunion on October 14th.
That's great news. 
I've attached the updated list.
It's worth reminding all that wives and children are more than welcome.
Around end of September, when we know more about the amount of people that will be attending our "Mount Boy" reunion ,
I'll put together an agenda for the Sunday (10/14) and Monday (10/15).
It will be based on Marlene's and Lionel's free time on those days.
George, please forward to the rest of the Mount Group through Ladislao or Don M.
Donald G.
Suggested date:October14, 15, 16, 2018
Tentative List as of June 28, 2018
1)      George Mickiewicz
2)      Donald Goddard
3)      Christian Goddard
4)      Salvador Coscarart
5)      Pedro Coscarart
6)      BermentMcDowald
7)      Neil Charles
8)      Glen Schaefer
9)      Anthony Seheult
10)  Paul de Verteuil
11)  AzierAtela
12)  Garnet Diaz
13)  Glen McKoy
14)  Richard Galt
Talking to eat
The saga of Nyron Morales is instructive. At the age of six, an apparently healthy, active boy, he was “held down” by a close relative and mistakenly given bleach to drink.
Because he had a cough.
Bleach is corrosive so he ended up with a badly burnt voice box and windpipe, and a blocked-up throat and oesophagus, the tube that leads from the throat to the stomach. He spent the next six years of his life in and out of local hospitals until some sort of corrective surgery was done in New York.
Despite this, today, he is still unable to eat and swallow food and has to be fed a special liquid diet by a tube which passes from outside his body, through his abdominal wall and ends up in his stomach. This special diet is expensive and his guardian can barely afford to maintain his diet.
Nyron’s amazing story illustrates many of the problems the public and the health system face in T&T, as well as some of the limitations reporters face in trying to detail the tragic circumstances surrounding a child’s life. Clearly there is more to the family and social story than we read.
But even limiting ourselves to the written details, there is a sordid smell to the medical history.
He was “held down” and given a liquid that was thought to be cough medicine supposedly because he had a cough.
Really, no one is supposed to hold down a fighting six-year-old and force medicine down his throat.
But in our backward little island society, where children are still supposed to be seen but not heard, where they are daily brutalized the same way we ill-treat dogs, old calypsonians and homosexuals, who will have considered that maybe, just maybe, something was wrong with “holding down” a healthy six-year-old, to force a totally unnecessary drug down his throat?
Because, make no mistake about it, that “cough medicine” was totally unnecessary.
Cough medicines are useless. But we have become so conditioned to believe the drug advertisements on the radio and TV and in our newspapers that we believe all the nonsense they tell us about cough medicines and vitamins and Viagra and hair tonics and calcium, ad nauseam.
So a little boy’s life is initially destroyed because he had a cough. Just a simple ordinary little cough that some gentle honey and lime would have helped.
Then you have the all too familiar tale of medicine in the wrong bottle, no doubt a sweet-drink one. The same sort of bottle that you use to buy a little Gramaxone, the aptly named “Indian Tonic”, responsible for hundreds of suicides in T&T.
Perhaps we can start calling bleach “Child Tonic”? One of its many side-effects is to make little children hungry.
Nyron then spent six years in and out of hospital without anyone being able to solve his problem. Unlike our all-knowing and all-powerful politicians who, like medium-sized fish in a small pool, revel in small populations, local doctors cannot build up enough experience in rare medical conditions to gain the experience needed to correct these wrongs. There are certain diseases which we will always need to refer away to a larger country with larger populations. We know this.
Should there not be a system in place to accommodate needy people? We have the money. As it is now, only a well-off person can get on a plane and fly away for whatever treatment is needed. Children like Nyron have to depend on charity.
Now comes the coup d’etat. Because his throat and voice box and oesophagus were destroyed by the bleach and because he spent six years unable to swallow, Nyron lost the ability to speak and to swallow. After reconstruction he needed to be taught how to use the complex system of co-ordination that we call swallowing.
This is similar to teaching a stroke victim how to speak again. Swallowing and speaking are really two sides of the same coin. Nyron needed the services of a speech therapist to teach him how to swallow.
Therein lies the rub. There is no speech therapist and there has been no speech therapist in the Government Health Service for the last ten years. This deficiency has been brought to the attention of the administrators in the Ministry of Health and the various Regional Health Authorities repeatedly.
Nothing has been done. Repeatedly.
And this is how you end up with a starving 17-year-old Trinidadian boy who weighs 59 pounds.
Already I hear the call. Bring in Cuban speech therapists. Yes.
Maybe they can teach him to swallow in Spanish.
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: That will be great, one of my sons is in Fort Worth Texas
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Thats only a couple of hours from here.... is he the ball player? What school?
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Yes at Wesleyan, the other plays at Hannibal in Missouri
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Frank....cara e vieja....this is Edgar Moffie....long time don't hear about you....ok baseball player from life taking you????....
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Jajajaja....
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: hello everybody
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Hola Edgar!!! Cómo estás? I was just looking at a photo where we all together....jajajajaja
11-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey sal I do not have skippy # if u have it maybe u can add him
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Hola frank como estas. Todavia en republica dominicana.
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Sí todavía por aquí, cómo estás?
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: i will Azi , Muy bien gracias a dios y tu.
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Echando pa'lante!
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Ayer nos comimos unos Rotis ..... salvador mandales la foto para q te vean lo bien q estas...😅😅
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: The pic I have is with both Garners, Francisco, Aitor, Alfredo, Giorgo, this other guy from Barquisimeto whose mother had a flower.decoration shop..
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: El se llama Caraballos
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Carlos si no mal recuerdo su nombre, un jodedor pana...jajajajajaja
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Eating Goat Roty
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Jajajajaja...
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Ese roti me jodio toda la noche
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Los hermanos Garcia que eran de zaraza.
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Correccion CARABAŇO..ese mismo ee gusto en saber de ti.....en lo que tenga chance lee envio fotos......por alli en mi perfil individual debe haber una. Correcto Carlos Carabano.....
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: It is always a great pleasure to visit with the old boys from mount. Who remembers Alfredo y Mario Domingues. los llamabamos Conejito.
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Salvador and Enrique if the roty missed you because you did not used good Trinidad Curry.....
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Una vez Carlos estaba bateando y el catcher lanzó a tercera y se la metió a Carlos en la cara...jajajajajaja
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: I did not have a problem. i swallode mine. jajajaja
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Sure boy they used to limb with Snoopy and Luis Silva......
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: El que esta bien y viviendo en maracaibo es Guillermo Rivera , lo llamabamos (Trotu). Frank trotu vivia cerca de tu casa. en caracas. Como estan tus padres frank?
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Ian
......can you tell us about the Ramlogan brothers???...... from.the hotel down in Tunapuna...
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: The Scarlet Ibis hotel. Sarkis Farchahk esta en florida cerca de mi hermano Pedro. my cell is 337-412-8751
11-02-2017 1 Ibarra Frank: Sí Trotú vivía cerca de casa y nos veíamos a siempre. Mis padres fallecieron hace ya algún tiempo. Cómo está Pedro, recuerdo cuando me quedé unos días en tu casa
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Mi sentido pesame lo siento.
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Gracias!
11-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: si . Pedro esta muy bien y viviendo en St Petersbourg florida . Ya tiene un nieto. Si me acuerdo cuando pasates ese fin de semana con nosotros en cumana y luego fuistes a pasar unos dias con mis primos en cantaura.
11-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Sal send me a roti nah. Hey Kevin how is Kamal
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Azizul Mohamed???......this is Edgar long time I don't hear about you....
11-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: How u doing my brother long long time I am always in touch with Salvador I live in New Jersey how about u
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Sal ask for a Red Solo and roti ..... Add Jimmy Samaroo 1-868-774-4999. Kelvin nice to connect. Edgar Winston no 1-868-774-4999 email : Zul what's the name of our professor in San Diego
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: That's what I notice.....but did'nt know you were living in usa.....good for you congratulations.....tell me what are you doing....I got retiried two years now with five years in the main oil company PDVSA after they expropiated Exterran formal Co from Houston in Venezuela...I was in Exterran for 15 years handling logistics and custom duties for his company in Venezuela....well as you see hanging in there...if it wouldn't be for crisis. Thanks brother....
11-02-2017 Zanelli Victor: She is from Tunapuna.
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Add Alfredo Seaforth from the interior early 70s 011584148389255. Jimmy Samaroo 18686851185. Victor nice to connect most of us trying to retire ...... this may be our last bang to reconnect ASAA
Kenny Azizul: Hey Vic how u Ling time
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Aziz any contact for Krishna Toolsie and Skippy. Hudson Glen And Garner brothers
11-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: I saw Krishna was on earlier
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Ok any contact with the guys from Canada. Jimmy should be connected soon
11-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: No I am only in contact with Gangie up here
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: That's nice let's keep in touch. Peter Tang
12-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Thank you winston
12-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Add Jimmy 18686851185. Suggest we post clean humor on weekend
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
53MBS0006ABBEY, By Marie Boissere
17LK0001TRA,  Toddy Ramsahai
15LK9423FBMNE,  Michael Rezende
08UN1590REUNION2008, Gordon Mitchell, UNKNOWN, Dennis Gurley

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Circular No 868

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 23 of June 2018 No. 868
Dear Friends,
Here are two interesting letters that I received from two wonderful ladies.
From: "John & Priscilla Cunningham" <>
Date: 15 Feb 10:04 (PST)
Dear Laszlo,
I am not an Old Boy of the Abbey but yes, I do enjoy your newsletters because I am a sister of an Old Boy and my childhood, adolescence and part of my adulthood were spent right under the Abbey, even dated some Abbey boys in my youth.
My father's property actually bordered with the Abbey's property. 
My brother still lives in Trinidad, his name is Gregory Farfan alias Curry Mouth.
Saludos, Priscilla
(I shall include you in the list with the email address, ed.)
From: "Annabella Johnson" <>
Date: 18 Apr 10:24 (PDT)
Dear Ladislao,
Thank you for sending me The Abbey School circulars.  I enjoy reading these circulars and know some of the names in them.
I am not a past student of that school but I am Gregory Farfan's sister.
Gregory is a past student.  We lived just below the Mount.  Daddy's lands bounded with Mount St. Benedict and we still have some land there that Gregory is trying to sell and give us our share.
Our house was the first house you would see from  the Abbey School. 
I remember well that school and the scouts used to come down the hill and visit Priscilla, our younger sister and myself. 
I do not recall having met you but have some fond memories of the Mount.
I live in Barbados for the past 33 years married to a Barbadian Theo Johnson.  We have two sons -- one 31 years old who lives in St. Petersburg, Florida and the second one is 27 and still lives at home with us.
Thanks and best regards
Annabella Johnson nee Farfan formerly of Santa Margarita Hill, Trinidad
(What a coincidence!!, maybe some of you would remember them, ed.)
From: Jeremy <>
Date: 23 Feb 11:09 (PST)
Subject: Class 1964
Hello L,
Having a short go (guess) at the Class of 1964
It looks like a snapshot out of 'The Boys on a break from the War -Singapore lets say!'
Christ, what a collection!
1 Russell Cuhna
6. (A) Clarke - Smart guy; Destined to become a doctor. Sat at the back right-hand corner of the Study Hall.
7. One of those 'Box-Heads' Mitchell - Most likely Gordon 'Alex' [Don't think it's you Don - Alex was always smartest in pose]
8. Paul Tadros (?) Lived in Couva.
9. (Christian?) Gurley [or Brendon]
10. Could be a Tang
12 The American. Good friend of Don Mitchell. [Paul Zeven???]
13 - Can't recall this teacher yet. But must have been a tough bastard to be able to control this lot.
15. Possibly Richard 'Jiggs' Anderson.
16. John 'Johnny'/'Bram' Abraham - The Wild bush-man who made 'Brams Den' in the hills & Guitarest.
17. (Guessing all this now) The resemblance to John (16 above) places him as his brother. [Some years after leaving MSB, I believe that this person died tragically by drowning while aqua-lunging in the caves in the Northern Hill - Coura/Valencia?!] Need to check 'Bram' on that one.
18. A remarkably cool character.
21 Mervin Assam
23. An ubiquitous Herrera. God knows which one though.
24. (This is a shot in the dark) Coonhow? (South Trinidad) A possible genius of philosophy, from what I recall. [Applicable to the person in the picture - Not the name indicated if incorrect]
25. possible Galt
26. T   T   T   T   ?????? David Narrine's left hand. [Topping??]
27. None other than 'Nazi'
29. Could it be: The Posing 'El Tigre' Himself? [Reported dead by suicide on Curacao] Poor fella - A bit overly strung; and was in love with....
31 A short-ass lively head-case out of Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad. Can't recall your name brother, but were you a bunch of trouble! Hope you are well and still kicking strongly. (a de Bruin or something!)
Having read what I've just written + the comments added to the 1966 picture; seems that I have an avid obsession with death recall!
Not so strange how we all became brothers; strange how one wishes to recall their passing.
[Hoping however that I may be at least accurate.]
That's it for now
From: Jeremy <>
Date: 20 Mar 15:21 (PST)
Suffered email Inbox crash last week.
Please resend:
a) N letters 122 ---> + (?) (I hope the, Don Mitchell was able to help you! ed.)
b) Your recent email directed specifically to (me) <> - Re: Class 66
(Sorry but I must try to remember as I do not keep the Sent files, most likely I added some names to yours, ed.)
Have been pleasantly surprised with communications from 'Keke' = "Pal Kecskemeti" <>
We are reviewing photo of Class of 66 and have some more names.
Need your email to remember where you got to in sorting out this photo.
Only recently (see I don't pay attention!) discovered your Class of 65;
Will try to add a few names to that later.
All for now
(Hope you can send me the names of the 1965 bunch, I do not have a photo of the Class, ed.)
10-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Mike welcome most of us planning retirement following Ian,  Winston Ramsahai  70-77
10-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Winston you retired some years now. What you saying you planning.😆
10-02-2017 Dornellas Michael: Well boy my life now like a kettle. I have some good fire in my are and I in hot water up to my neck ...... but a still whistling.
10-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: jajajJajjajaja
10-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Hope things look up. Going to dinner now laters
10-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Mike I taught egg boil not you
10-02-2017 Dornellas Michael: All will be fine. Winston just now we will have plenty time to play some good all fours, Hi Lo Jack Game to go.
10-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Ready anytime just put up d pot
10-02-2017 Dornellas Michael: Boy in hot water everything does boil
10-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Ian..  ck the nr for Milton
10-02-2017 Dornellas Michael: Curry goat?
10-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: St Joseph RC church close to the girls dormitory in Curepe, Add Anand Rampersadsingh 18687205858, post Neal Charles no
10-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Enrique apologies. It doesnt appear that milton has whatsap
10-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Yeah ... Thats what i thought.... BTW, Neil is in the chat
10-02-2017 Berment Joseph: Ron, Where the hell do you get that stuff from? I love the ending.
10-02-2017 Fr. Imash: I shame to say but I don't know if I know any of the guys on the chat
10-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Who is this
10-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Aziz Ron is a senior member of the group
10-02-2017 Fr. Imash: I born in 1979?😂😂😂😂
10-02-2017 Farias Gabriel: You  mean 1879👀
10-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Ron who?
10-02-2017 Fr. Imash: Ronald J Hadeed
10-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: I remember A Ron Farrah
10-02-2017 Fr. Imash: 1961 to 1966
10-02-2017 Gomes Ian: The farahs were frank, michsel and Roger. You must mean Roger Aziz.
10-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Michael above
10-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Ok,  O just miss u Ron I was 66-71
10-02-2017 Fr. Imash: Ok, Edgar moffie what years were you st mount?
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Welcome Anand
11-02-2017 Gomes Ian: I know edgar. He was always cool. Used to swim as well. How are you man?
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Ian.....sorry...didn't know Nigel passed away.....we all one day will go thru this.....Edgar Moffie 1967..1972.... Eloy was the swimer....joining with Johny Garcia.....and Kamal Khan.....
11-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Yes a tragic incident. He fell off a cliff and broke his neck (6 th vertebrae), 2 broken ribs puntured his lungs and he broke his chest bone. He was sober as a judge. He slipped on some wet slate rock in the dark and went down 75 feet.
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Can anyone of you give me detail of Winston Copeland???....Puggy may be you can find out or Specs...pls forward his No
11-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Yep in any pictures of agua lads at that time with Johnny Garcia, Eloy is the tall guy with glasses. Winston is retired. He lives in Siparia and Prem Diptee may be able to assist.
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Yes....tall with glasses... Will don
11-02-2017 Gomes Ian: 😀
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Ian our sincere condolences .... the Mayaro seafood fiesta lememories left pleasant Nigel. Pleasant memories of Nigel. Post a pic of Mayaro,  Edgar I remembered you courting the Neighbour at the beach house in Mayaro, Late 70s
11-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Sorry to hear about Nigel, Probable hooked Up with calypso bandit in heaven may his soul rest in peace
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Ohh boy...I still doing some smogling around here.....jajajja...can't let go that habbit......
11-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Men, Oscar trust you enjoying Panama, Aziz add Skippy no,  Garth add Quan no from Galeots he was born in 1979 like Ron Hadeed
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Tell me what about Nevel Tenia???....
 Oscar make sure if there is any crab left send some across.... Garth...I con still try the 100 meters....can you still make ii???....will need Winston as well.....
11-02-2017 Khan Kelvin: Hi everyone. Happy New year and have a great carnival February.  This is Kelvin Khan. First let me convey my sincere condolences to Ian on Nigel's passing. This is a welcome WhatsApp  supprise and to let you know Kamal can't swim to save his life . I was the butterfly swimmer 66-70.
11-02-2017 Alexander Garth: Guys I am still un beatable in the 100 meters but I can only run 25 meters on the beach these days and I look for Tenia &Copeland I see Chin Cham and Kieron Pierre regular....
11-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Garth i have directions to winston's home. Maybe a saturday we can go look for him. I know you busy so let me know when. Spoke to kiren on thursday he seems to be doing ok. Is gerry chin cham in t & t? Kieron above. Hey kelvin how you going man? Edgar i heard also that Eloy passed as well. My condolences brother. happen you guys fall asleep or what? Its only 11.40 am and all you taking a siesta already. Its a wonder any of you could run 25 meters.😆
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: glad to hear from sorry for the mistake swimer.....yes Eloy will 10 years next March 26... time runs fast......
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Hi to all the Panas from the Abbey!!!! I am Frank Ibarra
11-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Garth and Ian...pls do me favour if you happend to see Winston over next weekend..... pass me on his number...will appreciet guys....
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Hola Frank.... nice to hear from you..... where are you?
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: I am in Dominican Republic. How is your family?
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Growing.... first grandson 6 months old..... how about you and your family???
11-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Congratulations! I am not there yet, I have 2 sons studying and playing baseball in the US and the older moved to Ecuador 3 month ago
11-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Gracias.... congratulations to you too.... we are in Katy/Houston... Salvador Coscarart is also
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
53MBS0005ABBEY, by Marie Boissere
64UN0010CLASS1964, Still missing names
15LK0771FBAAM, Antonio Aman
10LK7556FBRMA, Ryan Maingot