Saturday, 3 February 2018

Circular No 848

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 3 of February 2018 No. 848
Dear Friends,
Emails follow.
Feb 7 at 4:10 PM
In case you have not seen/read this article.  For me, he was/is very I suspect to y'all too. 
May God continue to bless him, Merlene and family for years to come.
Praises for Catholic deacon's pioneering work in African-American community
ST. PETERSBURG — Lionel Roberts moved to St. Petersburg more than 30 years ago bringing the life experience of a northern transplant and a Caribbean immigrant.
Before long, he was immersed in church and community life and organizing everything from a tennis academy for inner city youth to a Tampa Bay West Indian Association.
Admirers point to the role he played in founding the James B. Sanderlin Neighborhood Family Center in the city's Midtown, the reopening of a closed school to serve teenage mothers, and his efforts to increase black membership and participation in the local Roman Catholic Diocese.
"I just continue to be amazed by all the things he has done. He has never said someone else needs to do something and never did it for himself, but always did it for justice," said Bernadette "Bernie" Young, a parishioner at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, where Roberts is a deacon.
As Roberts nears his 90th birthday, Young and others have decided to recognize his contributions. A dinner Saturday at the St. Petersburg Country Club is expected to draw community leaders such as Mayor Rick Kriseman and Bishop Robert Lynch of the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
The former Benedictine monk said the plans were a surprise. "As the scriptures would say, you do everything not expecting a reward," he said.
Effie Alexander, who worked with Roberts to make the dream of a community centre in the African-American community a reality, is an organizer of this weekend's celebration.
"I feel like we've almost let the window close for the people who knew him best," said Alexander, an officer of the new African American Historical Society of St. Petersburg.
"I asked the group if our first activity couldn't be a testimonial dinner for Lionel," she said, adding that the community owed him "a debt of gratitude."
Alexander said Roberts not only played a key role in founding the Sanderlin Centre, he also helped get its property at 2335 22nd Ave. S, which was donated by the Catholic Diocese. A condition of the gift was that it continue to be used to provide services for the neighbourhood, Frank Murphy, the diocese's secretary of administration, said.
Saying he couldn't have done it by himself, Roberts credited others, including the late Doug Jamerson, the first African-American elected to the state legislature from Pinellas County and a former commissioner of education.
Roberts also established the Mother and Child Centre, which opened in 1986 for pregnant teenagers and their children.
Both projects were undertaken while he served as the diocese's first director of its office of Black Catholics.
Roberts said he didn't immediately understand the need for the special ministry.
His Caribbean upbringing had not exposed him to the effects of segregation.
While his new responsibility covered the entire diocese, which spans Pinellas, Hillsborough, Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties, Roberts concentrated on two predominantly African-American parishes — St. Peter Claver in Tampa and St. Joseph's in St. Petersburg.
His efforts included establishing a diocesan gospel choir, now based at St. Joseph's, and encouraging black priests to come to the diocese.
Roberts, who was born in Trinidad and grew up in Guyana, said his faith and determination are rooted in early experiences.
He immigrated to America in 1969, worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative in New York and became active in his Brooklyn parish, where he was ordained a deacon.
In 1984, he moved to St. Petersburg.
He was just 11 when his mother — a devout Catholic — died in childbirth in Guyana.
His father, who didn't have enough money to return to Trinidad with all of his children, left Lionel and a brother behind and promised to return in six weeks.
"He never came back," Roberts said.
Determined to be reunited with his father, Roberts said he enlisted in the British Army's World War II effort in Guyana at just 16.
He eventually got to Trinidad through a military exchange program and found both his father and his mother's extended family.
He joined a monastery in Trinidad, but sought dispensation from his vows after 14 years.
He had met Merlene. They have been married for almost 53 years, have two sons, both engineers, and six grandchildren.
Merlene Roberts said she is "very proud" of her husband and pleased that he is being honoured.
At Blessed Trinity, the Rev. Wayne Genereux praised the longtime deacon. "He has been able to bring very positive change in the lives he has been involved in," he said.
"At the end of it, I am only doing my duty," Roberts said. "I enjoy it, because you become part of where you're living."
Jan 20 at 5:14 AM
Thank you for that good news, Merlene.
I shall copy this, as I did your first message, to the main communicators among the Old Boy network of Mount.
Keep well.
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:48 PM
Yes I have good family support thank you. 
While he is in the rehab facility I will be passing on any E-Mail to him so do pass the word around. 
I spend full days with him while he is doing his therapy and he is slowly coming around.
He can never erase Mount St. Benedict from his heart or mind. 
All Blessing to everyone  
On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 6:35 PM,
Don Mitchell <> wrote:
Dear Merlene,
How sad to hear this news.
My heart goes out to you at this time.
I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for you to cope with all the added responsibilities.
I hope you are surrounded by friends and family, and that you are being comforted and will be helped in taking care of Br Vincent. 
I shall notify the alumni straight away.
With best wishes and love.
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:50 AM
Hi Don –
This is Merlene, Lionel's wife - It was such a pleasure meeting with you here in St. Petersburg. 
I thank you and many of the students who have communicated with Lionel over the years expressing their love and appreciation for having been a part of their lives, he too treasures those years so dear to him. 
Please keep him your prayers as he is now undergoing intensive therapy for a stroke he suffered about 10 days ago, he is able to communicate well - not perfect - but well, he is also in the beginning stages of dementia, he is still totally aware of everything and remembers his time and friends at the Mount. 
We just celebrated 54 years of marriage. 
He began writing his memoirs filled with his love for the many lives he touched and in return touched him, I don't seem to know where to go from here with his book, but it is very interesting and touching. 
Please keep him in your prayers and it is alright to inform all those who have been involved in his life. 
He is now at Bon Secours, Maria Manor nursing home in the Rehab section.
You know this is a heart break for me, he has been my constant protector and love. 
May God Bless you all!
On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 7:46 PM,
Don Mitchell <> wrote:
Dear All,
Ladislao’s latest Circulars are up at:
“Comments” have been enabled for the 2016 Circulars in case you want to make one.  Otherwise, if you are unfamiliar with the process, just email your comment to me, and I will post it for you.
Keep well.
From Karen Kirkpatrick
Dear Brothers (all of you)!
Greetings from St. Petersburg, FL, USA!
My name is Karen Kirkpatrick and I am a freelance journalist living in beautiful Gulfport, FL. 
I have had the pleasure and the blessing of being requested to assist Deacon Lionel Roberts in the composing of his memoirs, i.e., autobiography. 
I have interviewed him only once, in the Parish Center at the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
What a beautiful and fascinating soul! 
We will meet again tomorrow morning for the second time.
Lionel has given me permission to interview each and all of you, if you are only willing to do so. 
It would assist me a great deal. 
I need to know your experiences, impressions and memories of Brother Vincent and the abbey.
I have contacted the abbey directly; however, it is your personal experiences that I am in need of most. 
Please do not feel obligated to share your experiences with me, however, I would be very much indebted if you would do so. 
Most importantly, please pray for me in this endeavour; that that Lord will continue to endow me with the talents he has blessed me with as a writer and a journalist. 
I am in need of "God's Speed" as well, as I am aware that Brother Vincent feels as sense of urgency in this matter.
The abbey is mailing me a book regarding its history and I am excitedly looking forward to receiving it. 
However, again, there is nothing that can replace personal experiences and observations.
Please advise as soon as possible and assist me in sorting out your various names and relationships with each other.
God bless and Happy Lent!
Karen Kirkpatrick
Kazim Abasali <>
Feb 8 at 3:35 AM
Thank you for sharing Brother.
May God continue to bless him and family.
Jorge Iwaszkiewicz <>
Feb 7 at 5:16 PM
Thanks for the article. Very nice rendition of a dedicated person! Am glad I and my wife visited both of them last year and we enjoyed that visit very much.
Hopefully can do it again soon when we are back around Florida.
Jorge Iwaszkiewicz
Don Mitchell <>
Feb 7 at 4:46 PM
Thanks, George. 
I had not seen it before.
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
87UN0009JUBILEUM p24
15UN0001DEACONLIONEL, Merlene his wife
15UN0002DEACONLIONEL , Bro. Vincent
15UN0003DEACONLIONEL , Bro. Vincent

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