Saturday, 14 April 2018

Circular No 858

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 14 of April 2018 No. 858
Dear Friends
Now, the excerpts from an old letter, from our Abbot (1960).  I even visited his family, his brother, in Holland in 1963.
7 of July 1982.
Greetings from the Old Mount –Inside!.
I was in Holland earlier this year, I met with Fr. Bernard.
His speech has not improved.
The burns he suffered last year he is unable to stand and so is confined to a wheel chair.
He is in a rehabilitation centre where they are giving him therapy to see if they can make him able to walk.
It seems he will be coming back in September to the Mount.
He surely is carrying a heavy cross!.
You will remember him specially, I am sure.
When last you visited T´dad, you give me some book-markers with Teen-agers 10 Commandments printed on it. As I have passed that age unfortunately!. I give them away and people have been asking if I had more of them.
On your next visit or in some other way, could you bring some of them if possible?
Thanks a million in advance.
God´s abundant blessing be with you and your Family!.
Very best wishes and kindest regards.
Adalbert van Duin
George Mickiewicz <>
Apr 4 at 3:28 PM
Joe....Thanks for correcting the amount of the total contribution and the update on the food issues.  Hopefully someone can accommodate Adolfo in September.  Glad you are feeling better,
Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Apr 4 at 1:51 PM
It would really help save cost is someone would accommodate Adolfo when he comes here. 
I would gladly do it myself it I could have but my circumstances don't allow it. If anyone is able and willing to help please contact me.
Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Apr 4 at 1:42 PM
Dear George et. al.
Just a minor correction. 
We sent food in December and it turned out that the authorities took the position that it was contraband and sized much of it. Since then we haven't sent any food although there is a possibility that we can do so in the future (funds allowing if we can be more successful in fund raising) if each recipient presents himself to the authorities at the same time that the person transporting it arrives and is possibly willing to "share" a bit with the general "public".
The value of the last " package" including medicines was $4,400 US, not including incidental local expenses and transport. This will last until the end of September and will serve 14 families.
I will hope that we will do at least at much for early October.
God's blessings to you all. We hope that you will all keep our work in our hearts, pray for our success and find a way to support our efforts.
Yours sincerely,
Father Harold Imamshah <>
Apr 4 at 1:34 PM
R.IP Marlene Ambrose, mother of twin brother's Sean & Jean Ambrose (Abbey School 1985.
Apr 4 at 7:52 AM
Thanks for sharing Joe.  A terrible and sinful situation indeed.
To compound their suffering, here is an article/video that I came across yesterday updating the catastrophic state of the deteriorating health system in Venezuela today.
Dear Brothers
Each one of us can help in a small but very meaningful way.  The Abbey School Alumni Association (ASAA), via Adolfo Aumaitre in East Venezuela and Ladislao Kertesz for Central Venezuela, are supporting 15 Venezuelan oldboys in need and their families.  Last week, approximately  $5000US worth of food, medicines, miscellaneous items and cash in US dollar denominations were ferried by boat from Trinidad to Venezuela.  This will help 15 oldboys and their families to survive the next 6 months.  Attached is a list describing what is typically transported in these shipments....cited costs are in T&T 1US$ = 6.7 T&T dollars.
As an example on the medical side, one of our Venezuelan brothers is on dialysis. As part of last week's shipment, the needed meds to perform the procedure, but currently unavailable in Venezuela, were delivered to him..
The next aid shipment to Venezuela  is scheduled in September.  Pray that all of us consider helping the ASAA in any way that we can in this mission of mercy and love.
May God bless us all,
George/Jorge/Yury/Shis (AB MSB 1956-1962)
Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Apr 3 at 9:10 PM
I just saw this. Human dignity is sacred.
This is a crime against humanity.
A thing unholy to the core - - an abomination.
Apr 4 at 9:14 AM
Saludos mis queridos hermanos, Ladislao y Adolfo:
Quisiera pedirle un pequeño favor si es posible hacerlo.
Me ayudará mucho a continuar mis esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos con mi familia y amigos, lo que resultó en $ 700US de donaciones en los últimos 2 meses.
¿Sería posible que algunos de los 15 hermanos que estamos ayudando me envíen una notica de agradecimiento por la ayuda que recibieron este mes?
No necesito sus nombres y respetaré su privacidad al no compartir sus nombres con otras personas. 
Solo usare sus palabras de gratitud.
No se preocupen si esto no se puede hacer.
Muchas gracias por su liderazgo y participación en esta misión de misericordia.
Estoy muy agradecido y muy orgulloso de Ustedes.
Que Dios los bendiga.
Un fuerte abrazo
Jorge / Yury Mickiewicz
21-11-2017 (868) 477-2906: The only people they will charge is the middle class as they will not be able to locate the rest And dream on for them to drop the ticket to you. They already canny track the inspection of cars or transfers
21-11-2017 (868) 277-4913: Wow!
21-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Yes the British did atrocities and looking at Trinidad and Tobago ðŸ ðŸ for example, are they any better off now? No. The country is in a mess.
21-11-2017 (868) 681-9448: Yes because our politicians learn from the best, divide and ruled courtesy of our Colonial masters
21-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Oh please.
21-11-2017 (868) 681-9448: i did not expect u to agree
21-11-2017 (917) 399-9543: 10 things to know Senators approved the amendments of new and revised clauses of the Motor and Road Traffic Act on Tuesday. The amended act is to introduce a system of traffic violations for certain breaches, and to implement the red light traffic system, a demerit points system, and the reform of the fixed penalty system and related matters.
Here are 10 things you need to know about the Motor and Road Traffic Act.
1. Obstructing a traffic warden on duty or failing to comply with his/her directions can attract a $10,000 fine and/or six months in prison (fine raised from $300). This is not limited to motorists.
2. The introduction of the red light traffic camera system. Persons captured breaching the red light traffic camera system will be fined $7,000 (new fine). The red light traffic camera means an electronic device for the purpose of capturing and producing photographic images and video recordings of traffic violations.
3. Unlawful interference with the red light traffic camera ($10,000 fine).
4. Violating the speed limit has a maximum fine of $3, 000 and varies based on how far over the speed limit a motorist travels. It is a fixed penalty fine and motorists can accumulate a maximum of 6 demerits.
5. Driving without a seatbelt has a fixed penalty of $1000 and 4 demerits. However, should the ticket be contested, drivers face the maximum fine of $4000 for the first offence and the maximum of $8,000 thereafter.
6. The driver will also be made liable for driving with a person in the front seat who is not wearing a seatbelt and faces the fixed penalty. This also carries 4 demerits.
7. Drag racing on highways without the consent of the Commissioner of Police carries a fine of $6,000 up from $2,000 and the prison term was removed. This carries 14 demerits.
8. Driving with a child under the age of five without a car seat carries a fixed penalty of $1000. However, if contested, motorists can be fined the maximum of $4,000. It also carries 4 demerit points.
9. Reformed Fixed Penalty System explained:
This is to target persons who are issued tickets and fail to pay them. The new system will address this. If a person wishes to contest a ticket, he/she must file a notice to the court indicating the intention to contest within 14 days of the ticket being issued. If this is not done and the ticket is not paid within 30 days, the motorist would be required to pay the ticket value plus ¼ of the ticket.
For example: If the fixed penalty is $1000 the motorist would be required to pay $1250
Failure to pay this within the first 14 days after the due 30 days has passed would result in the cost increasing up to an addition of ½ the ticket cost. Based on the example above, the cost would now be $1500.
If this is not paid then the Licensing Office would write the motorist informing of the unpaid ticket. After a period of time, the motorist’s license would be canceled until the ticket is paid. The motorist would also not be able to complete any transaction with the use of his/ her drivers permit or the vehicle until said ticket is paid.
Only if a person decides to contest a ticket would they face the maximum fines outlined.
10. Demerit Point System Explained:
The Licensing Authority shall, for the purpose of administering demerit points, establish and maintain a register to be known as “the Demerit Points Register†. If a motorist is convicted for an offence or traffic violation, it will be recorded by the Licensing Authority in the Demerit Points Register.
If a newly licensed driver or the holder of a provisional permit accumulates seven or more demerit points within a period of twelve months from the date of issue of the driving permit or the provisional permit, the Licensing Authority shall disqualify that person from holding or obtaining a driving permit for a period of one year
Over a three year period:
If a motorist accumulates 10-14 demerit points, he/she can be suspended for six months.
Should a motorist accumulate 14-20 points, he/she faces a one-year suspension.
And if a motorist manages to accumulate over 20 points he/she can be slapped with a two-year suspension.
21-11-2017 (868) 477-2906: Not sure now are we really blaming the colonisers for the mess Trinidad is in or some other BS
21-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Ask Nadim, he seems to know.
21-11-2017 (868) 477-2906: Our politicians use all of these to brain wash us and it is amazing how many of us believe it
21-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Perhaps, if the said politicians took some responsibility for their actions or lack thereof then things will be better. But in Trinidad everything is a joke. Everyone wants to be a friend with everyone.
21-11-2017 (868) 761-8273: <video omitido> Does this look familiar? Just in the present time
21-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: A madman in the hospital told the Doctor he was seeing rats playing basketball at nights. The Doc said "take these two tablets to help you sleep" the madman replied "nah! tonight is de finals"
21-11-2017 +44 7494 572400: Funny lol !!!!
21-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: Boy BTNG, at least somebody like my
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
74SC0209RVI, Renny Villafana
58RB0001a11, Bro Vincent

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