Newsletter for
alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 25 of August 2018, No. 877
Dear Friends,
Please see:
found Bull No. 1, I believe that for history’s sake I had to publish it; here
are the contents.
It is
short, just as Circular No.1 was, but I though it important for those few that
would like to keep things straight.
to say that one day there is going to be a book written and I am sure none of
us would like to been left out!!!.
Original by Arthur Knaggs.
Bull No.1
Old Mountainians
I am endeavouring to round up some of the old boys overseas
(other than Trinidad):
To keep in contact.
To spread some news
To help where + when necessary;
And issue a little “bull”.
If you know anyone’s address other than the attached, please drop
me a line with it; along with your business Card; and anything else you want to
give it a try.
that appear on the enclosed list:
Bergasse, Peter
Castro, David De ?????
Cuthbert, Fr.(ok)
Devaux, Raymond ?????
Ferguson, Duncan (ok but no address)
Ferguson, Peter (ok but no address)
Ferguson, Stanley (ok but no address)
Floissac, Anthony (ok)
Gomes, Jerome ?????
Henderson, Hugh (ok)
Kayne, Earl (ok)
Knaggs, Arthur (ok)
Lang, Gordon ?????
Littlepage, Desmond ?????
Llanos, Anthony (rip)
Llanos, Noel ?????
Lopes, Benedict ?????
Miller, John ?????
Nassief, Phillip ?????
O.Connor, Leary (ok)
Philip, Colin ?????
Prada, Charles ?????
Prada, Geoffery (rip)
Shoul, Ian ?????
Skinner, John ?????
Soodeen, Trevor ?????
Soodeen, Tyrone ?????
Watts, Claude ?????
The remarks have been taken from my list, I need a help with
those with a question mark.
(I have lost contact
with Raymond Devaux, a month ago, I hope everything is OK, can the Devauxs
help, ed.)
From the bottom of
my files, I have recovered the following exchange that occurred when the OASIS
files were sent by Art.
I thought it
pertinent to include them with this the copy of Bull No.1.
Nigel P. Boos <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:15 PM
you for your kind note.
I'm sure that Ladislao will be thrilled to receive your package
of O.A.S.I.S file info, as it'll give him years of reading matter with which to
compile his stories.
All the guys will benefit from it as well, so, on behalf of
everyone who had been privileged to pass through the halls of MSB, thank you
for preserving the memories for us.
Las, please note that Art does not intend to cash Bernard Stone's
cheque, so there's no need to seek any form of reimbursement from the fellas.
Bernard, thank you for offering a cheque to pay for the cost of
posting all these files from Canada to Venezuela.
As you will note, the cheque will not be cashed.
Maybe Arthur is going to frame it - I would! But thanks anyway.
The gesture was well appreciated.
On Mar 31, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Art & Val Knaggs wrote:
Just a little note to let you know that I received your letter
re: O.A.S.I.S. and thank you for your kind words and great wishes.
I had already mailed the package to Ladislao, as Val & I
decided that it would be a tribute to the marvellous efforts of those who
picked up the "ball" and ran with it.
I hope that Ladislao has received the package, and we will not be
processing the enclosed cheque.
My days at "The Mount" were and are a host of
tremendous memories (especially spiritual) and it accounts for me being still
here today.
The great "Man" upstairs must have some plan for me
yet, so here am I, still hanging in there for whatever is put on my plate.
You have played a great part in my efforts for always encouraging
me over the latter years of the newsletter and I thank you for that.
Keep in touch, and when we drop in to Toronto around the end of
June I will give you a call so that we can get together.
In the meantime, all the very best, my The Good Lord continue to
influence you.
Nigel P.Boos <>
Sent: Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:42 PM
I had written you about 10 days ago, advising that I have in my
possession a cheque for Cdn $135.00 which was given to me by Bernard Stone, to
be sent to Arthur Knaggs, to assist him with the cost of postage of the OASIS
files to you.
I have not sent the cheque to Arthur as yet, since I want to be
certain that I'm not duplicating your effort.
Please let me know, therefore, whether you have as yet sent any
money to Arthur for this purpose.
If you have, then I shall return this cheque to Bernard.
It is my understanding that Bernard will be reimbursed for the
amount of his cheque. However, I do not see any reason at all why you alone
should have to fork out $135.00, and I am suggesting that you should send a
note to everyone explaining that you have a need to collect a small sum of
money to pay for postage of some important MSB files to Venezuela, files which
will interest everyone, and ask everyone to contribute, say, $5.00 to cover the
Any extra money could be used to help you in your work of
maintaining the Abbey School website.
look forward to hearing from you.
I'm sending this note to your two email addresses, in the hope that one at
least will get through to you.
This exchange is
about the trip that Arthur is making and the problem with the internet, that I
hope I can unravel by making changes using separate servers.
Nigel P. Boos <>
Date: 2 Jul 15:38 (PDT)
I've heard from Arthur Knaggs today, and it seems I may be seeing
him soon.
However, he'd like to get onto your mailing list, please.
His email address is
Another old boy who would like to receive the mailings is Bernard
Stone, whose email address is:
I'll try to put together an article for you soon.
of everything.
"Art & Val Knaggs" <>
Date: July 2, 2004 5:30:10 PM EDT
Great to hear so fast from you.
We had dinner with Bernard & Tony on
Monday before we left.
How do I get to see the OASIS letters, tried but they are not there, and I don’t seem to be on Lad's
mailing list any more?
Also Bernard was interested in reading some
of the old news.
Will ring you when we are back in Toronto.
(Art, maybe you
should get those that you are missing from Nigel, he has all of them; while I
make the changes, ed.)
Nigel P. Boos <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 14:53:41 -0400
How nice to hear from you.
We're at 905-426-8999 in Ajax.
You should drop in sometime.
Bernard and (Deacon) Anthony Stone live close by too.
Look forward to seeing you guys.
On Jul 2, 2004, at 1:37 PM, Art & Val Knaggs wrote:
Just zipped through Toronto, on our way to
Victoria, as son Edward & Michelle has just had a new baby, so we are here
to change diapers and give them a break in between breast feeding etc.
All else fine, need your Phone and address
(home) as we will be passing through briefly at the end of July, and want to
contact you as we will be there for a couple days (like two), then we drive to
I also want to get the web site to read the
Mount news, as Eion O’Connor said that Ladis has been putting in some of the
data from Oasis.
We are awed with the flowers and
landscaping, as well with the unbelievable prices for homes and property here.
We are just 100 yards from the beach, and as
early risers we are walking the sands at 6.30 and soaking in the Pacific air
(as opposed to the Atlantic).
Drop us a line.
BOYS. Please contact;
Coscarart, +1 (337) 412 8751 or Enrique Zanelli +1 (281) 748 0084
28-02-2017 Charles
Neil: A funeral
home business is the best for Trinidad right now, plenty money to be made.
They still have lent in Trinidad?
01-03-2017 Fr.
Imash: Hi Neil,
in spite of all the negatives being bandied around about our Blessed land , the
majority of the population are good God fearing people. Many good positive
things happen every day here but unfortunately only the negatives are
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: Joe, maybe
I Will. Visit this year
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: The issue
is how news organisations collect news and how they understand their role. If
the larger media houses were to have correspondents throughout the nation to
report on local stories in Paramin, Speyside, Matelot, Icarcos, Arima, Freeport
etc. etc. the content would be much more uplifting and certainly more nation
building. It will give people positive, inspirational images of themselves.
Everything that is needed for T&T to be good in in T&T right now. You
are always welcome Neil. Looking forward to spend time with you.
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: Bad news sell. Lots of trinidadians was in Florida this weekend
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: Message
too short neil. I didn't hear anything. Don't come between July 7 and August
21st. We'll be in Toronto.
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: Will be in
October, going to Cuba next month
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: Good!. We
went to Suriname, to escape the Trinidadians. Suriname? what they have there?
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: No crime
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: Then it's
not exciting
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: A
beautiful, rustic community, with many ethnicities and an old world, colonial
architectural charm.
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: Yes it's a
beautiful place
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: I went
amongst the poorest even hugged a smelly beggar and I didn't feel threatened
for a second. The majority of people are poor yet they feel no compulsion to
menace and harm others.
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: How did u
smell after hugging a smelly beggar
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: I didn't
think about it. I wasn't important. I just mention it for the understanding
about how civil people are. I try to practice what they taught us at Mount and
view the call of the poor as the knock of Christ on the door of our hearts.
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: I was just
kidding u do not have to explain I do understand
01-03-2017 Gomes
Ian: Amen. Joe.
A heart warming experience. Neil has a one track mind. Azizul also.😆
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: The ppl of
Suriname are not poor Joe they are just relax and do not hurry or worry about
anything I kno
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: One track
mind going in both directions
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: Really, It
was lovely. Reminded me of our youth. I want to go to the interior next time -
- having a challenge to convince my wife.
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: I will to
Suriname with Tim Healy and visit the black maroon that live Along the river,
they are the most humble we will go together
01-03-2017 Cantore
Oscar: and do
some fishing meanwhile
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: Would love
to make a lime: if some others are interested. We could get off the plane and
go straight into the bush.
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: I am
interested but from the plane to the hotel then casino and the fish market no
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: You and
others can stay in town and man the command centres and do the town things.
01-03-2017 Charles
Neil: Azizul is
all talk and no action, he ain't going no where
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: Oh and the
strip club
01-03-2017 Berment
Joseph: You mean
the club on the strip?
01-03-2017 Kenny
Azizul: However u
want to word it
WELCOME, for the Circular´s wellbeing. 52 usd per year.
It covers the making
of the weekly Newsletter and some is left for the Editor´s upkeep.
Advantage, you would
be included in the direct mailing list for the issues published, as soon as they
are published.
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,, is the email for any donation through
ZELLE at Bank of America.
Help me get to the
1000 issue. Hahaha
53MBS0015ABBEY, Marie Boisserie
17LK0004FBLSC, Lawrence Scott
07SC0010SCOSFA, Salvador Coscarart and Sarkis Farchak
10AG0010JSCAGY, Joe Schoemaker and Attila Gyuris