Saturday, 17 November 2018

Circular No 889

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 17 November 2018 No. 889
Dear Friends,
Emails follow.
Subject: St. Petersburg Mount Old Boys Reunion
Donald A Goddard <>
Dec 2 at 7:32 PM
The email I sent you on October 27 (below) was all I planned to say regarding the reunion.
In short, "It was a great two days and we were all very happy to spend some time with and see Lionel Roberts (Brother Vincent) and his wife Merlene. 
The first night we had a wonderful dinner and the second day we were all too busy drinking, bullshitting and eating doubles and no one was taking notes.
I have no plans of writing a long winded report. 
From: Donald A Goddard
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:45 PM
Here are just a few more photos taken by Paul D. & Christian.
We can't wait to see all those taken by Pedro Coscarart. 
The reunion turned out very well and one we all enjoyed.
Special thanks to all attendees, to Neil for those delicious "Trini Doubles" and to Merlene and Lionel for putting up with us.
We all behaved, even Neil. 
Neil: Please forward this on to Terry, Glen, Tim, Farchag and Alan. I didn't get their email addresses.  
The 1950s old guys who came: Richard Galt, Khris DeMarothy, Tony Seheult, Paul de Verteuil, Christian & Donald Goddard.
The in between guy: Terry Ferreira 
The 1960s youngsters: Pedro Coscarart, Neil Charles, Glen Schaeffer, Alan Chandler, Tim and Farchakh.
I believe I got all the names of the attendees.
It was a great couple of days.
We should do it again next year.
Don G. 
laszlo kertesz <>
Dec 2 at 9:50 PM
Gracias Don
I know that the event was Fast and Furious, jaja.
But since you have demonstrated your abilities to make a short event into long prose, I turn to you for help.
The rest of the guys usually do not write more than a sentence at a time, as can be seen in the Facebook chats.
And George Mickiewicz was not there to cover.
Thanks on behalf of the Circular, I shall include it in the No.889 God willing.
Remember that your news is always excellent
laszlo kertesz <>
Dec 2 at 1:01 PM
Hi Don,
How are you?  Hoping that by now you have polished your report on the excitement and results of the St. Petersburg reunion.
I was told by George Mickiewicz, that the Circular should get the information from Facebook.
I did look but there were no comments from the organizer, you!
I am sure that you are keeping it a secret and that you are going to surprise me with an article for a new circular just as you wrote when Wayne Vincent Brown was alive,
Or when you wrote on the treasures in the Venezuelan coasts, or the house project in the keys, and others that I have forgotten.
Thank you before hand
Nov 27 at 8:03 AM
Thanks for your prompt responses and interest. 
Lots of buzz yesterday in our AB MSB Facebook which will be the main conduit of info between now and the reunion. 
Plus there are regular postings on past/present/future stuff related to the Mount and all of us who attended.
Paul de Verteuil <>
Nov 26 at 7:59 PM
Sounds like a good idea to me, as long as Neil is bringing “Doubles”.  
Thanks for getting the ball rolling Tim.
From: laszlo kertesz <>
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2018 3:36 PM
Hi Donald
Any news on the meeting?
New participants? Send me the latest list.
On Sunday, August 5, 2018, 10:11:23 AM GMT-4,
Donald A Goddard <> wrote:
The list (Attached) is up to 14 souls with Richard Galt being the last one to tell us he would gladly attend.
Around mid-September, when we have an approximate number,
I'll put together and agenda of activities for the tree days (Sunday October 14, Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th).
Thanks for inquiring. It would be great if you could attend as well.  
Donald Goddard
Donald A Goddard <>
This is a great idea. I’m sure it will work and be a success.
Christian and I will try real hard to make it.
The St. Petersburg reunion turned out quite well thanks to all the attendees and especially to Neil Charles’ delicious “Doubles”.  
Don G.
From: laszlo kertesz
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 5:23 PM
Escribeme algo sobre la reunion para sacarlo como una edicion especial
On Monday, August 6, 2018, 11:03:55 AM GMT-4,
Donald A Goddard <> wrote:
Phone calls to guys all over the globe is expensive and not practical.
Mount boys have been contacted through your email list, 
George's (Yuri) list  and Don Mitchell's email list.
If by now, of the one million Mount Boys out there, those who don't know by now about the reunion, are living in a cave.
We all know cave dwellers usually don't go out even to catch a few sun rays.
Joking aside, we realize it's not easy for a bunch of old farts to just get on a plane to fly long distances and also costs are rather high.
For those living in Cubazuela (once called Venezuela), traveling is not an easy undertaking.
European living Mount folk are just too far.
Those who will come live in the USA.
Maybe a few Canadians or even West Indies dwellers might make it. 
We must remember the main reason for the reunion is to be able to spend some time with Brother Vincent, the person we admire so much.
Those 14 guys who plan to come to the reunion have already informed us.
If we pick up five more by October that will be perfect.
We can expect anywhere between 15 and 20 guys to participate.
Some will bring their wives and that would be excellent.
George, Neil, Tony, my brother Christian and myself all believed from day one of the idea of the reunion that if ten guys came that would be a good number.
Nevertheless, those who can make it will have a good time bullshitting about those good old days.
From: laszlo kertesz
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2018 5:52:20 PM
Thanks for asking my attendance Donald
Jaja we barely make it thru the month.
Please tell me on how are you proceeding to invite participants??
Telephone calls??? or just email?
I have not seen your call for attendance on the Whatsapp groups doing Abbey School.
Look at our Facebook by Kazin
From: laszlo kertesz
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2018 3:36 PM
Hi Donald
Any news on the meeting?
New participants? Send me the latest list.
On Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 9:40:59 AM GMT-4,
laszlo kertesz <> wrote:
Hi Don
No problem if you copy me. I do not bite, jajaja
Missing your feud with WVB, cokieeyes.
In Colombia for a short time, Shall try to update the Circulars
Hi Ladislao
Please post this update by Don Goddard in your next Circular.
Un fuerte Abrazo,
On Thursday, June 28, 2018 1:02 PM,
Donald A Goddard <> wrote:
In a phone call this morning from Tony Seheult, he mentioned the possibility of Richard Galt making it to the Mount Reunion on October 14th. That's great news. 
I've attached the updated list.
It's worth reminding all that wives and children are more than welcome.
Around end of September, when we know more about the amount of people that will be attending our "Mount Boy" reunion.
I'll put together an agenda for the Sunday (10/14) and Monday (10/15).
It will be based on Marlene's and Lionel's free time on those days.
George, please forward to the rest of the Mount Group through Ladislao or Don M.
Donald G.
Don Mitchell <>
Nov 26 at 11:29 AM
Thanks, George.
It is perfect for a Circular or two or three.
24-07-2017 Ladislao: Ian just wrote: Does anyone know the position with Fr. Cutbert? I know he was in the hospital but thats all. Has he recovered and back at MSB. As most of you know i am presently incapacitated with this cutlass cut on my left foot and in a cast. I will be greatful if some one can find out please and let me know. Thanks brothers. Oscar revisa y me describes.  Dicen que estas en el. Saludos Ladislao
28-07-2017 Joseph Habib: Some old videos I just want to share with you. Enjoy
30-07-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Joseph Berment , how are you doing. Are you back from canada.?.  Can you send me the phone number for Jimmy Samaroo, please . Found an old abbey boy Alfredo Achong from venezuela also trinidadian , him and his brother Gustavo went to mt in 1969-70. He was in Mr Mark classroom with Mezzana , Jimmy Samaroo and Blajic. Ok brother have a great new week coming up. God bless. Thank you.
01-08-2017 Kenny Azizul: So Joe is ur name a slave name  If it is I have a few recommendations for u
01-08-2017 Berment Joseph: Muslims were the first slave traders. You see how things can come right back full circle to where they begun?
03-08-2017 Zavarce Arturo: Gaby Arellano: El debate hay que hacerlo publico, lo que está en juego no es cualquier cosa.
05-08-2017 Rampersandsingh Anand: Listen live!  Sundays Ten to One
The latest shocking developments in the ongoing Tobago sea bridge saga will be exposed on “Ten to One with Ken Ali”, this Sunday on U 97.5 FM.
Also, Princes Town MP Barry Padarath will discuss crime and national governance and Mayaro MP Rushton Parray will talk about flooding and other issues in his constituency.
There is also an insider’s view on the ever-worsening crisis in Venezuela.
Tunapuna Alderman Kevan Gibbs will discuss priorities in that district.
That and much more on this Sunday’s power-packed edition of “Ten to One with Ken Ali”, exclusively on U 97.5 FM and on Facebook Live.
Don’t miss it!
05-08-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey Joe I always thought  the first slave traders were the stronger tribe that enslaved the weaker tribe then sold them guess I was wrong
10-08-2017 Gyuris Attila: Excellent!
10-08-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Coño, que recuerdos.... parece que fue ayer....
10-08-2017 Zavarce Arturo: Por qué debemos salir del agua cuando está lloviendo...? Para quien nunca había visto un rayo cayendo en un río...  Impresionante!
11-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: Uds no le encuentran parecido a Maduro con el Sargento García ??? Más barriguita y más nada !!!
11-08-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey Joe how things u have been so quiet  lately
12-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: Gracias Attila y buenos dias. Voy a explorar eso a ver en qué resulta. No soy muy ducho en la materia.. Creo más bien que un verdadero lego Saludos. Un abrazo
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the direct circular’s mailing list do not forget to subscribe, 52usd per year for the weekly issue.
18DG0001REUNION2018, Alan Chandler, Christian Goddard, Neil Charles, Donald Goddard
18DG0002REUNION2018, Kristof de Marothy and Richard Galt
18DG0003REUNION2018, Neil Charles and Donald Goddard
18DG0004REUNION2018, Neil Charles, Donald Goddard, Kristof de Marothy and Christian Goddard

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