Saturday, 3 March 2018

Circular No 852

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 3 of March 2018 No. 852
Dear Friends,
Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Feb 26 at 2:39 PM
I have just received word from Adolfo that we have three more families to add to the list for a total of 15. More correctly, the correct number previously was 11 which when added to today's 4 will give the new total.
Kind regards and all the best!
laszlo kertesz <>
Feb 26 at 8:43 PM
Joe, please send me the names,  
These families most likely are not listed and I need their names for correspondence and their cellphones for my control
And maybe a visit.
God bless
Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Feb 26 at 9:07 PM
Hello Ladislao,
Certainly, will do. I haven't actually got them from Adolfo.
As soon as he sends them to me I will.
Your good health!
laszlo kertesz <>
Mar 1 at 8:42 AM
I have not had any reply from Adolfo. Joe
I do not have 15 old boys registered in that area with dire need.
I am curious 
God bless
Nigel Boos <>
To :Dr. Tyrone and Zenobia Soodeen
Mar 1 at 10:09 PM
Thanks for the information, Tyrone.
I had no idea that these guys had passed on and gone to the Heavenly Father.
I hope they’re all now resting in peace and that they’ll enjoy their eternity with God in heaven.
Kaz - please note. You may want to update your MSB OB file.
On Mar 1, 2018, at 5:44 PM,
<> wrote:
Hi Nigel, 
For your info the following relatives have expired; brother-Trevor, cousins - Collin Phillips, Gordon and Allan Walker, Scipio Soodeen
From: Nigel Boos [
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2018 7:53 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. 
So, I have a decision to make: Should I send to my recipients a straight carbon copy or a blind carbon-copy of my emails on this subject. 
It is commonly felt that the use of “bcc” rather than “cc” provides a safer, more secure connection, and reduces / eliminates the possibility of scamming by hackers. Because of this, I am careful to use the “bcc” connections in all of my correspondence.
If however, you think I should use an open group connection, I’d happily do so, but at the same time, I’ll abide by what my recipients prefer. So, by “bcc” of this email, let's ask them.
FYI, the “bcc” list had been sent to a number of Canadian contacts as well as to a number of my family and friends in Trinidad and in Venezuela.
Of the Trinidadian few, they were either Old Boys themselves, or else had connection to the OB’s in Venezuela.
Dear folks,
Please let me know if you’d prefer to receive my communications by “cc” or “bcc”. (A short note will do.)
On Feb 4, 2018, at 9:26 AM, Joseph Berment-McDowald <> wrote:
Good morning. I have tried to implement some of the suggestions that you have made to achieve the highest level of accountability. 
Unfortunately, having a discussion in isolation is not useful to the cause, impossible actually when one is a bcc., recipient of correspondence which you have no idea of who else it is being distributed to.
Please consider that it may be of greater service to our alumni if you send the email below and other similar ones to an open group.
Yours sincerely,
On Sun, 4 Feb 2018 at 10:07 a.m., Nigel Boos
<> wrote:
Thank you for sharing this terribly sad report. 
The people of Venezuela do not deserve this horrible mess in which they now find themselves. One might think that those countries neighbouring Venezuela might express their alarm at the evolving disaster, and do something, jointly, to remove the existing Government and to re-establish law and order in that country. I also believe that the time has come for a new leader to step forth, to take over the country and to begin to take control once again. The United States is reportedly not planning to get involved (although I seriously doubt that myself) and Cuba supposedly is behind much that has happened in that poor country.
I can appreciate the plight of so many young and not-so-young Venezuelan people who have fled to Trinidad to escape the devastating political, economic and social situation in Venezuela. I can appreciate the desperate situation in which many now find themselves in having to accept whatever “assistance” they might find themselves from whomever they can find. I would not doubt too, that many of these Trinidadian men find in the refugees, opportunities to express their lust, entertain themselves at the expense of the visitors, and also to make a fast dollar through pimping and so on. 
This is very sad and unfortunate, and I would like to think that the Government of Trinidad, together with the existing social services, which must be quite overwhelmed right now with the unplanned-for and unexpected immigrant tide, should be doing whatever it can to alleviate the plight of these poor, unfortunate people.
I know that a well-intentioned suggestion to send food, medicines and money to our suffering Old Boys and their families is being discussed right now, and that is excellent. At the same time, do we really have any idea as to the names, addresses, contact information and current family situation/s of each of our Venezuelan OB’s who might be needing assistance? Or are we merely proceeding with no agreed concrete target and plan? Perhaps it might be wiser and more preferable to ask those of our friends who still live in Venezuela to state clearly what their own situation/s might be and what specific help they require. Perhaps one or two might actually have family members living in Trinidad, who might need help locally right now.
The role of the Church is also important during this crisis. If he has not already done so, Abp.Gordon should condemn the exploitation of these immigrant people. If he has already done so, more power to him. Hopefully, he can stir up the clergy and people of Trinidad and Tobago to offer genuine help, without thought of monetary or other gain, to our welcome visitors, until, God willing, one day peace and justice might return to Venezuela.
Just a few thoughts from me.
P.S. The new Archbishop of Port of Spain was installed in December 2017. Let’s keep him in our prayers. He’s going to need all the help he can get.
Spoke to Sir Kazim for a good bit yesterday, he can update you. Spoke to Sir Jimmy Samaroo a few days ago and spoke to Sir Roger Juman today, we are going to get together, still trying to get Sir Winston Ramsahai (as Judge Lucky), is not available for a bit. I would like him to go up to the mount with me, as he knows the Father Abbot, for an introduction, as there are many outstanding concerns we have, as a group, like all the photos Fr Vooosh took, a plaque on the mount for our dead, we remain in limbo, with some issues, we would like closure on some things soon, as our group is slowly shrinking. . Sir Kaz. did you mean Dr. David Bratt? I don't have his number, I may need more time in Trinidad, as everything moves slow like molasses ha! ha! To meet with Sir Rudi, maybe Maracass Monday, To meet with Sir Ralph busy for a week or so, will meet with Sir Henry in a week again, may go down the islands in a week or so with Sir Gabriel, have to call so many ha ha Cheers.
Thanks for the update and progress report. Dr David Bratt was a fellow classmate and a first class Trini gentleman.
Condolences to Gangaram Rampersad. Sorry for the loss, his wife recently passed away. Stay strong my friend
So sorry to read this, our hearts goes to Sir Gangaram Rampersad and his family, we will keep him in our prayers. Amen.
My condolences to. ' gangie
Today we honour and show great respect to Sir Dennis Gurley, one of our many unsung heroes, a brother that has been working in the backgrounds for many, many years, a pillar in the castle, he has been instrumental in many legal affairs representing the ASAA, he registered us as a legal group, this is a great deed we must thank this brother for, and in time we hope that this very important deed, is up held and becomes beneficial to the entire group everywhere. God Bless and keep you well my brother. All I know of Sir Dennis Gurley, is what I know from Sir Jon. We are working on a face lift, a new image and younger leaders in our group, in order to survive.
We must always change, renew rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Long Live The Mount. Long Live The Club. Long Live Our Brotherhood. Forever One. Cheers Thank You The Club.
That’s great
Glen, Habib here. Get in contact with Harris and you can find me. I'm in Woodbrook.
Ok Sir Joseph, half the problem solved ha ha Sir David Allan Harris I don't when is good? Cheers Glen.
Giving & receiving love. Why is it so hard for a Mount boy? My younger brother Sir Rudi Singh, brought this topic to my attention yesterday, I had to stop and listen, it is something we would never talk about as warriors, however as he began to speak it started to make sense, like if you came from a loving relationship with your parents/relatives, you would weather the storms of life better, even that would not prepare you for the physiological challenges that lay ahead as we venture on to the flats lands. I could feel what he was talking about, as I know so many of my brothers that went thru marriage problems, and many mount boys really boarders, however I am also hearing this from day boys. who did not reside there.  I am sorry we never started talking about this 40 years ago, any how it’s never too late, hopefully we can help now, we can talk, but whatever don't feel you are alone, we are brothers and we are still feeling the pain of some of our brothers that never got help and fell thru the cracks of life. Let’s start talking, would love to get some comments, thank you Sir Rudi Singh, for your wisdom. Cheers The Club.
Henry Bailey do you know Greg Mason. Did he go to MSB Abbey School too?
Hi Kazim. Yes he was in forms 4 and 5 with me: Sept 1975- Jun 1977.
Ok, he wants to join our Facebook Group. I will.
Kazim Abasali - I tried to add him today
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
87UN0013JUBILEUM p.41
18GM0012GMAGRP, Glen Mckoy, Anthony Lucky and Rudi Singh
06GM0020GMAFAM, Glen Mckoy and family
13LK8944FBLME, Luciano Mellone

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