Saturday, 17 March 2018

Circular No 854

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 17 March 2018 No. 854
Dear Friends,
Dear friends,
Recently I have been dealing with more health-related issues. And I have to cut down on my work load to get my health in order. Still working to bring down my blood pressure for months now.
So with that in mind, and the fact that if something happens to me and I cannot attend to the website anymore, there will be no continuation.
So I created a free WordPress website
And hosted all the photos on which is also free.
Ladislao and Don, can you please share this info on the Blog.
Blessings to you my dear friends.
Love you all.
Focus on your health and get better!....thanks for all your work....
Hope things work out for you.
Get better soon and thanks for everything.
I need a 2nd opinion on your condition, your high blood pressure, this is too long now, they have to bring it down, call me on messenger OK,
I may have to come and visit you in May or so, I don't like what ah hearing Kaz. cheers - take it easy bro, One Luv The Club.
Kazim, call me at +18686845385 on your BP. I’m sure I can help you!
Brian Goddard wrote
Yes, certainly, Richard lives in Florida but he was in Trinidad for vacations at the moment of the photo, and Randy Galt was not in it because he is a hardened player of the poker and that day preferred the game than to meet with us.
Maybe next time there won´t be any poker game and I´ll get to see Randal ("Swami").
I shall keep you informed when I shall return from my next visit to Trinidad at the beginning of March.
Thanks for the photo of class 58, they are just a little bit older than we.
I recognize the majority but I do not remember many of them.
Do you have the names as indicated by the numbers?
(No. I have only some of the names, the majority have not replied, or maybe they do not recognize themselves, Ed.)
Good Ladislao, I think that I have to go to Caracas once or twice before my trip and I will call you with anticipation, ok.
I spoke with Farcheg a couple of weeks ago and he mentioned that they thought of meeting and that he would call me to confirm the date and he has not done so.
Did they meet or have not done so as yet??
(The old old boys are suffering from stress so that for the last 6 months there has been no meeting, Ed.)
Please call me when they are going to meet as this would give me a good excuse to program a reunion with my company and to go to Caracas on that day. Please advice me, ok. –
On your friend Steven Tempro in Barbados, I shall try to look him up when in Barbados.
I do not know if of Peter Boos is somebody from Trinidad or Barbados.
If he is from Trinidad like I believe he is, is because I knew a Boos when I was at the Mount and I have a curiosity to know if they are family?
(Peter Boos is in Barbados, is a cousin of Nigel Boos (1960), Ed.)
Remember that I left MSB in July of the 58 and I needed two or three years to finalize the baccalaureate (level...??)
I am not as old as the friends in Caracas (Urban, Isaias, * Lipaski, * Azier Atela, * Castro, Manuel Parra, Csaba Jacobzen, and others.
My contemporaries were: Mussolini, Marini, the Sol and others that I do not remember at this moment.
Where are they now: Lipaski, Azier, Manuel Prada and the Castro brothers.
With this I take leave and you do not forget to confirm if reunion is before 21 of February and/or the possibility of doing one on Monday 23 of Carnival, when I shall go to Caracas; since on Tuesday 24 I leave Maiquetia to Barbados via Piarco.
Saludos, Brian
An interesting e-mail was received some time ago. Hope Elizabeth can forgive me for bringing up her letter after so long.
Guys, please write her. My answers to her questions are in parenthesis.
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 15:07:57 EST,
Dear Ladislao Kertesz,
I am a novelist living in New York. 
I was born in Trinidad and left there when I was 19. I have written five novels and am now revising my sixth novel. 
For this novel, I need some information about the boarding school at Mount St. Benedict. Someone told me that you may be the person to help me. 
Can you help me with the following information?
(Yes I can, I have looked at you page and it is great. Ed.)
When did the boarding school open? 1942?
When did it close and why? (Boarding school in 1973, and the school in 1985. lost its economic proposition. Ed.)
Why did the monks open up a school? (I presume for economic gain and seminarian support. Ed.)
Who, generally, were the students? (Sons of British civil servant parents and well to do Trinidadian parents, those from other islands and Guyana, the Venezuelans to study English. Ed.)
I need a sense of their socioeconomic backgrounds and why they chose to go to the school. (The school had a very good reputation and the Venezuelan got there because of a favourable exchange rate. Ed.)
How did the students address the monks?  Did they say Brother X? (Yes and  Fr. Y. Ed.)
What did the monks wear? (Cream coloured habits.)
Where did the students sleep in relation to where the monks slept? (Schoolkids slept in dormitories at school where some priests were prefects, maybe 30 kids with one priest in a closed off area, the rest of the clergy at the monastery. Ed.)
Did the students eat their meals with the monks? (No, separately. Ed)
Did the monks observe silence and for how long during the day? (I do not know but at meals they kept silence to eat and listen when one of the clergy read from the books. Ed)
Were the students expected to observe the silence? (We kept silence at the beginning of the meals so that food could be shared in an adequate manner. Ed)
I know these are many questions, but as a writer I need to know this information so that the scene I am developing will be believable.
(I am giving you the address of Wayne Vincent Brown, classmate, whom you must know through the literary circle, some say that he could be a Nobel prize winner??. Currently he is in Jamaica. Ed)
I would truly appreciate your help.  You can get information about me by logging on to my web site:,
All the best,
Elizabeth Nunez
(I have answered in italic letters, can anyone help or better yet, write to her, she is a splendid woman!!)
From: "Cecil & Liz Ince" <>
Date: 10 Mar 15:08 (PST)
Dear Laszlo:
Here are the boys that I remember:
RICHARD DE VERTEUILS recollection of the Boy Scouts from Mount in Arima – 1948 - 56.
I actually lived opposite Lord Harris' Square where the group stayed under tents (I think) –
I spent a lot of time with the boys I knew –
ALAIN DEVAUX (Raymonds younger brother) - Arima was then a quiet town so the invasion of school friends (I was a day boy) from Mount was a great interlude.
My recollection of FATHER ILDEPHONSE - he expelled me from his History classes - I just could not grasp the subject due to a rather sketchy earlier education. 
In my more mature years, I developed a great love for the subject in general - a bit of irony.
I wrote to 'SCROOTS' in the early 80's for some special occasion in his life, and he replied saying that he had not been a contented person, for most of his life and that it was only in the late 60's to early 70's that he had found the Lord.
So we reconciled any hard feelings of my youth and his History classes.
FATHER BERNARD VLAAR, just weeks before he died, visited Barbados and for the first time, he and I spoke as adults - he said that the original objective of the Mount was to cater to a select elite group of boys –
I was only a day boy from Arima - one of about nine or ten day boys - inference was that we were seen then as rather second class citizens - a bit of tokenism to the community on Mounts part.
So of course, my achieving the Cambridge Exams of 1949 at First Grade was significant in my life –
NOEL LLANOS was 1948 - brilliant boy (I think l4) and he gained lst Grade and was awarded the JERNINGHAM Medal for his outstanding marks.
I called PETER BOOS - he was there 1954-55 and says he hears from you.
I tried STEPHEN TEMPRO who runs Smugglers Cove, a hotel on our West Coast (Payne's Bay) but got no reply.
SCIPIO SOODEEN lives 3 houses East of me - we became very friendly over the past several years - he celebrated his 72nd birthday some weeks ago. One of his daughters, NEYSHA, publishes from Trinidad - a highly successful glossy magazine called MACO - covers architecture and some culinary fancies indigenous to the Caribbean.
RICHARD DRIVER is a cousin of mine and lives somewhere on the West Coast of Canada. My telephone number is 246-427-7521 - my fax at home is 246-228-1810.
JOHN DULIEU lives in St. Lucia - as per my last contact some years ago - sorry I cannot help more on him. Years, ago, he and his family lived several houses East of me on the same ridge when he was a Captain with the airline LIAT. (Lost contact with him also last year, ed)
Regret, I do not have any class photos - but my Form Four classmates (and most moved up to Form Five - with some who were in Form Five doing a repeat year.
ANGUS FRASER (studied for the Priesthood and was last heard of somewhere in Africa) –
TREVOR EVELYN lives in Canada but we are in occasional phone contact –
GERALD FARINHA from then British Guiana - aborted his Seminarian studies when last I saw him over 30 years ago –
SYDNEY RAYMOND  I think now a Priest –
RAYMOND 'FRENCHIE' VIVIES Guadeloupe - where he became a Prefect in Government. 
ANTONY INKIM also from Arima. I do not recall if there were others.
Our Masters were:
FATHER ILDEPHONSE, former was English Literature - latter Geography and History.
All for now - congrats on your superb effort to cement the group of yesteryears.
P.S. On February l5th - I spent one night at the Mount Guest House - Room #l4 - overlooking the airport and what has become a tapestry of colourful lights after sunset - sat on the bench which we used as day boys waiting for our Abbey Bus - some of my friends in that group were Franksie Cook, Ian Lee Kam (Guinea was his nickname) - Archie Didier and Anthony Inkim (the three of us usually came to Tunapuna from Arima on the same bus) –
PHILLIP (PIP) VIRE who were also in my class
I was unable to get into the College on this visit.
(I am sure that the new Abbot is going to change the routine so that when an oldboy, alumni would like to return to the Monastery, there is going to be a way to contact someone, ed)
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
87UN0015JUBILEUM p.43
49AL0001ALU, Anthony Lucky
10LK0327FBRLIGRPA, Roberto Lipasky and group
12UN0001MLA, Michael Laughlin

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