Saturday, 1 December 2018

Circular No 891

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 1 December 2018 No. 891
Dear Friends,
Here is the follow up on Circular 889 with additional photos sent to the Circular.
I have placed names and code numbers to the eight photos that were received.
Out of the total of 12 names sent as attendees, the following Oldboys are missing in the photos sent:
Tony Seheult
Pedro Coscarart, the photographer
Glen Schaeffer
Tim Healy
Sarkis Farchakh
Sorry to say that Bro. Vincent only appears in one photo.
laszlo kertesz <>
Dec 2 at 12:52 PM
I did go thru the October comments, George
It is going to be difficult to make a good report.
I copied all the comments and will try to make a circular from the short chats.
Of course the photos speak for themselves.
When I said that the invitation was for a selected group, this is because, when you do not contact the persons personally with a phone call besides Facebook, the results are foreseeable.
All email correspondence is always published in the Circular, so if any Oldboy who wants to be included, please write.
This includes you George, because on down loading the chats from Facebook I have read your short commentaries that would have been interesting for the Circular but I never got them for me to include in the Circular.
I get notified in the address by Facebook when there is something for me to look up, but nothing came on my email.
Again if I would know something more on how Facebook works, I can remedy this.
I wonder is you have an economical means to call numbers in the US or Canada, to be able to make promotion of the 2019 reunion and get a certification of wellbeing of the recipient of your call.   THERE ARE…
I have a bunch of telephone numbers that might be useful but I need confirmation that the calls will be made, like you said, make a call a couple of time a week, cannot be called work.
Just in case you would like to know why I am late with the Circulars, I am working on a heliport project, I am alone in my office doing what is necessary to keep in check the expenses.  Also I am alone at home as my wife has taken the invitation of our daughter in Munich. But I like the hassle.
So please make sure that any interesting comments on Facebook gets printed in the Circular,
God bless
Dec 2 at 8:29 AM
Dear Ladislao
I am confused…there are 10 plus entries and many photos of the October reunion posted in  of which you are member.
Once you access it, you will need to scroll down through dozens of the latest postings until you get to mid-October 2018 where you will find the information that you are requesting …. there are comments, pictures and even videos of Lionel and those who attended. 
Agree that the Circular is still the most read medium of all the options that are being used today. 
My perception is that very few alumni take the time nowadays to contribute to it with current related info.
I would also like to offer that you will be able to extract valuable, pertinent and current alum information for the Circulars if you visit the AB MSB FB page regularly. 
As a USA commercial of the past stated “Try it, you will like it”. 
You will now also see the current state of planning for the 2019 reunion.
As a quick reference, our AB MSB FB page has:
139 members today
There are daily entries of one sort of another….many related to our alumni
Looks like only 10-30 % of these individual entries are actually seen, read and infrequently responded to by the current members.
Not sure how the Circulars comparable “statistics” compare.
See my answers to your other questions within your note below.
Hope this helps.
May God bless you and many, many gracias for your passion and dedication to the challenging task to keep us all connected and informed,
Sent:  Saturday, December 1, 2018 3:11 PM
Dear George
I looked into the Facebook groups and saw nothing relevant on the St. Petersburg REUNION
Since you are an assiduous visitor to the page, can you copy all that is referenced to the REUNION past in October and send it to me so that I may include it in the News.
I say this because Facebook is not the best way to go.
There are other communicational groups like the not so fabulous one, The Circular, ahahah
I feel the right way is like the planning for the new one, way ahead of time so that we may get all the emails and phone numbers to keep constantly reminding the brethren.  WE ARE DOING THIS IN FB AND VIA EMAIL TO THOSE WHO ATTENDED THE ONE IN ST PETE’S.
Right now the problem with the Circular is that the folks forget that when writing to Facebook or other means, to send a copy to the Circular,
I only open the Facebook news when I get notified through, I presume that I have to be friends to those that write???? NO.  SUGGEST THAT YOU OPEN OUR PAGE A FEW TIMES PER WEEK
I do not open my Facebook page, too much trash especially from people that I do not know
I wonder if you have an economical means to call numbers in the US or Canada, to be able to make promotion of the 2019 reunion and get a certification of wellbeing of the recipient of your call.  THERE ARE…
Nov 26 at 7:13 AM
Hi Guys,
Forwarding this Circular in case you do not receive it. 
Ladislao is looking for your inputs of the reunion which he would like to include in a future circular.
Hi Ladislao
A number of pictures were posted on the MSB Facebook page over the past weeks along with some comments.
A blessed Sunday to all,
laszlo kertesz <>
Nov 25 at 4:34 PM
Thanks for the comments and your help. George
There is a myth that all Oldboys use FACEBOOK, 
I do not use it except to get at the photos of Oldboys so that I may use it in the Circular.
That is why I copied the conversation of the Venezuelans giving thanks to the donations by the ASAA.
And now thanks to your reminder I am going to look up the FACEBOOK page to see if I find something useful for the Circular being reported on the Reunion.
What is the address, as it is not "MSB Facebook"
It is sad that with all the messaging systems, groups etc. the organisers do not use these means to advertise and promote their pet projects.
PS:  In the last Circular I included a web page that used to host 38 alumni and has been inactive since some time, It is a reference that Facebook is fine only if those involved are active.
13-08-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Attila, disregard my earlier.... it was Humberto who has a new nr
13-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: That is right. Saludos  The other phone is from Panama
13-08-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Ok.... no puedo poner los 2 números para el WhatsApp solo uno.... dime si quieres quitar el otro y poner el de Panamá
13-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: Dejalo así como está.  Yo resuelvo en Venezuela . Pero mientras tanto si alguien me copia al nuevo se lo agradezco.Y si no seguiré incomunicado de Uds y todos los demás que envian fotos Videos etc  Muchas gracias Enrique. Altamente agradecido. Un fuerte y caluroso abrazo
13-08-2017 Berment Joseph: Hector, any idea whose if the force with the initiative in this exchange?
13-08-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: No
13-08-2017 Berment Joseph: Thanks!
13-08-2017 Zanelli Enrique: De acuerdo Humberto.... saludos
14-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: Paul Stein, Alfredo Benarroch, Alexander Pratts y last but not least Héctor William Timothy Bartholomew Arthur Ahow.  Luongo Humberto: He seguido viendo fotos  .. En una descubro que está Alexander Leu ,el nazi  En otra veo a Fabbio Amici , otra con Mr Pugh  y la que quería comentarte Attila...,,Vi una foto tuya con tu papá. Están también Gabriel Hoeffle Pablo Kecskemetti, y Stein.
14-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: Nuestros nombres no aparecen en La foto. Los he aportado yo. Vi también una foto de una clase anterior a la nuestra y aparecen unos nombres que son los correctos pero otros no. Por ejemplo Burro cuyo nombre no recuerdo por los benditos apodos aparece como Ladislao Grossman. Saludos a todos. Gracias Attila. Me siento muy contento con el hallazgo. Allí tienen La foto. Una evidencia de vida Attila te hice caso y me metí en Google. No en Facebook porque no utilizo , y ve con lo que me encontré. Esa es mi clase  Allí estamos en orden numérico Pablo Kecskemeti Gabriel Hoffle Humberto Luongo ,Luis Mezzana  
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
18DG0005REUNION2018, Kristof de MArothy and Richard Galt
18DG0006REUNION2018, NNeil Charles´s wife and Alan Chandler
18DG0007REUNION2018,Terrence Ferreira and wife
18DG0008REUNION2018, Paul de Verteuil and Bro. Vincent

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