Saturday, 8 December 2018

Circular No 892

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 8 Diciembre 2018 No. 892
Dear Friends,
An interesting contact from Louann Fakoory.
Don Mitchell <>
Dec 2 at 6:46 PM
Hello, Louann,
How good to hear from you. 
I am so pleased to note that though he died five years ago, I forgot to delete him from my email database.  Whenever you have had enough of our boring stuff, just let me know :-)
I have found a recent photo in my database, but you have it already.
I am copying this to Ladislao and Kazim who are the keepers of the memory of Mount. 
I am sure if one of them has any old photos he will let you know. 
Of course, all our photos are digital ones. 
They are all on the 17 existing Blogs. 
It is very laborious, but you could search each of them by simply entering the name Fakoory in the little search engine in the top left hand corner for each year. 
That means you will need to do 17 searches.
Dion Fakoory
Sent: Sunday, December 2, 2018 6:06 PM
Goodday Don,
My name is Louann. I am Dion's daughter.
After Dad passed away we have kept his email open.
I do enjoy reading the updates on Abbey School.
I would however love to know if anyone has any old pictures of my Dad that can be forwarded to me.
Looking forward to your reply.
From: Dion Fakoory
Sent: Sunday, December 2, 2018 6:58 PM
Oh Don, thank you so much. I will surely do some searching.
Also I do enjoy your circulars so please don't delete this email address. :) 
Thanks again
From: "Alain Devaux" <>
Date: 19 Jul 07:04 (PDT)
Dear Ladislao,
Here is Raymond's email address:
Raymond is back here for the summer in Brossard, a city close to Montreal, just across the St Laurence river.
I see him every other Friday night at our mother's home for supper with my other brother Patrick and also with J.D. Miller, my brother in law another old MSB boy.
They are all very well and still happy to receive the weekly circulars of the Abbey School MSB.
Arthur Knaggs was recently at J.D. Miller's home where he also met Raymond for supper.
I have some old pictures of MSB and of some of the boys when I was there during the years 1947-1953.
I am sending them at the email address you give in your circulars to send pictures.
Best regards,
Alain Devaux
Allo Ladislao,
Thank you very much for your e-mail and very happy new year to you and your family.
As I mentioned to you earlier on, I left Mount in 1966 and came to Montreal since.
I am working for Chubb Sécurity, a world wide security company.
I started in 1967 and now working as a sales representative.
I was born in Martinique in 1948, came to the Mount from 1960 to 1966 and then left to Montreal.
My nick name at the Mount was "Pin head"; you will see me on the class picture, standing in the middle row, completely on the left side right under the open window.
On the tennis picture, I am sitting on ????? I don't remember his name????? shoulders, front row.
On the scout band I am playing the drum, 2nd row left. I really like looking at this old pictures, I hope you can get a lot more.
I would really enjoy getting pictures between 1960 to 1966, my good time at the Mount. Thank you Ladislao and once more
"Happy New Year". Patrick Devaux, (Pin Head).
From: "Charles Devaux" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 15:26:48 -0400
Dear Ladislao,
You asked questions a long time ago and most were answered by Richard Johnson, brother of Gabby and Flat Top.
However, you asked also about Phillip Nassief.
He is from the island of Dominica, not St. Lucia, and is a prominent businessman there.
I do not know him personally but believe he now is in the hotel business.
I was married in 1980 and have one daughter Anya who is now at Western in London, Ontario. (I have been divorced about fifteen years now but my ex-wife and I are on very good terms.)
I am in the dairy (ice cream) business in St. Lucia.
I still look forward to your interesting and enjoyable circulars.
Could you send me the following that I have missed: 1 > 15, 20, 23, 25, 40, 42 > 46.
Asking for so many circulars it occurs to me that you might sometimes need help.
If you do I would be happy to help forward circulars - just send me a persons email address and the numbers he needs and I will forward them.
Best Regards,
Charles Devaux.
(Please ask Don,, for the missing issues, ed.)
(Thanks you for the offer of help, I shall include your address for back issues, ed.)
From: "Vernon B. De Lima" <>
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 18:13:00 -0400
Dear Ladiskao,
You do not know me since I left the Mount in 1965. 
I do read all your dispatches and must congratulate you on same. 
Really it is a delight to see all the old pictures of the Abbey School and the old boys, and from time to time I even print some of the things you send and show it around to old boys who are my contemps.
A few weeks ago you sent a photo of yourself (I suspect) and Manuel Prada. 
He was a dear friend of mine at Mount and I would be interested in contacting him. 
Please send me his address if you have it. 
In the meantime keep up the good work..
Vernon B. De Lima
(Please can you make a list of the old boys with whom you are in contact? Are they getting my Circulars? I am missing about 800 email addresses!!!! ed.)
(Manuel Prada can be reached at, ed.)
Another Old letter from files 30 Jun 1982
Better late than never.
We only just received your Christmas Bulletin, after it made the rounds.
It was very nice to hear from you.
We were very sorry that we missed you all in your trip to Trinidad.
I only heard you were there but was unable to catch up with you.
We were in Toronto in December 1980 and visited with Margaret Ann and Ronald, was very disappointed to find that you had moved out of town, was hoping to see you all up there.
I am writing you from Brazil, yes Brazil!.
I parted company with Farfan and Co., things were not going so good, so I sold out to them.
I got this job with a firm in Houston; it is the same firm that Michael Scott and Desmond Maingot work for.
I am down here for three weeks and go home for three weeks; the money is in good old U.S. and plenty of it.
I have to pass through Miami on my way in and out, it is the longest way distance wire but shortest in time (will be posting this letter from there)
I have been here since February.
All is well so far, family increasing, three and three great grand.
Richard has two and Barry has had his first, Michelle is just about due.
As you can see from the address we are back in the Valley, changed a lot but still better than P.O.S.
How are things with you, I hope all still well, give my love to Val and the kids.
Hope to hear from you soon again.
So long for now and all the best.
Walter E. Darwent.
(Anyone knows the whereabouts of John and Desmond Maingot? ed.)
14-08-2017 Joseph Habib: I've been to the mount today to meet with Fr. Cuthbert and found out that at St. Augustine medical hospital since Saturday. Went to visit him at Room 308, 3rd floor with another mount boy, Mark Ali. Here's a video. Remember Friday is 93rd birthday.
14-08-2017 Joseph Habib: I apologize in advance about this video.
14-08-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Thanks
14-08-2017 Cantore Oscar: Thanks Sorry to see him in such a State pray to God for him
14-08-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Sorry to see Fr Cuthbert like that.....last time I saw him was when the Esmeralda went to TT in 08, he was old but still strong and jovial....will pray for him
14-08-2017 Coscarart Pedro: I am so sorry to see Fr Cuthbert in that state. I will have him in my prayers.
14-08-2017 Luongo Humberto: Yo no puedo verlo ni ver nada porque no se reproducen fotos ni videos por el problema que ya Uds  conocen . Pero estaré muy pendiente y rezaré por él.  Saludos De quien vi una foto estupenda por internet fue de father Augustine quien fue mi profesor preferido , specially in French  . De él  derivé mi inclinación por los idiomas.
15-08-2017 Coscarart Pedro: Awesome
15-08-2017 Dornellas Michael: Just visited Cutty.  He is has improved and just had a big bowl of soup. We chatted a bit and he is in good spirits. Let's keep praying for him. He obviously has the flu and is quite chesty.
15-08-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Please tell Cutty that he is in our and that de all are praying for him  Thanks
15-08-2017 Dornellas Michael: I will Please guys, Cutty comes alive when old boys visit him. Please make every effort to go see him.
15-08-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Ok going tomorrow
15-08-2017 Kenny Azizul: I will be in T&T the end of the month and will definitely look for him and the rest but he will be in my prayers
15-08-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Today pls tell him that his students from all over the World are praying 🙏🙏 for him.
15-08-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Toddy
15-08-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Ok will do
15-08-2017 +1 (813) 440-0251: Hi to father Cutty, on my behalf,  thanks!
15-08-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Thank you Specks. Best wishes. Regards
15-08-2017 Mt Dornellas Michael: Fondest regards to you Salvador. I hope and trust you are doing well. Hoping to do something special for Cutty 93rd birthday on Friday. He may want a teaspoon of vitamin R.
15-08-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Yes , i am doing very well and the cancer is gone but still have treatment as preventive but no more chemotherapy. Is father Cuthbert alert , is he aware of his surroundings. Thank you brothers.  It looks like your feet Oscar.  Jajajaja  you kick something and that is what happened.
15-08-2017 Cantore Oscar: Sun Burn 😂
15-08-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Eat some beats so your next foot will change color too 🤣🤣🤣😩😩
17-08-2017 Dornellas Michael: Gentlemen.  I planned to visit cutty for his birthday  tomorrow but things are not working out for me to visit ..... it's work related.  Can anyone out there do the needful? Cutty would be most grateful I can assure you. Thanks very much.
17-08-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: What a good idea ! Do any one knows which airline flys from Maturin to Piarco nowadays ?
18-08-2017 Cantore Oscar: Dream on buddy, with an ex like that she would not be an ex 🤣
18-08-2017 Zavarce Arturo: BUT IT CAN BE MY NEXT OSCAR 😂😂🤣
18-08-2017 Cantore Oscar: Hope your dream comes true..... when you get tired of her give me a call 🤣
18-08-2017 +1 (813) 440-0251: Happy birthday Father Cutbert!
18-08-2017 Cantore Oscar: Anyone went to see him today?
19-08-2017 Berment Joseph: I never realised how obsolete those Penthouse and Hustler magazines that I have been keeping from my early 20's are. Possibly, a museum may want them?
20-08-2017 Cantore Oscar: Esos los tienen en mint condition o sea nuevos los tuyos deben de estar arrugados de tanto manosearlo 😆
20-08-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Good one 👍
20-08-2017 Azizul: Yea Joe I have a small museum if u want to donate those books Love it
26-08-2017 Ibarra Frank: Hola Enrique cómo va la cosa con Mr. Harvey?
26-08-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Qué tal Frank?.... de momento bien, pero el problema va a ser las inundaciones en los próximos días, Harvey se va a quedar en el área por un rato
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
62UN0001CLASS1965,  This class has short memories, UNKNOWNS
64PD0001CHAMPS, There are no names, class 1965 UNKNOWNS
52AD0001TENNISTEAM, Missing names, can you help
65LK3262FBADEWFE, Alain Devaux taking the plunge

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