Saturday, 8 September 2018

Circular No 879

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 8 of September 2018 No. 879
Dear Friends,
A few words from Pablo Kecskemeti one of the Oldboys receiving help from ASAA´s relief program for Venezuelans in precarious conditions.
August 2018 WhatsApp:
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Hola pal no sabia que Adolfo armo un grupo whatsapp pero me parece bien.
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: Lo logico es unir todo hablare con el
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Como se comunican con los que no tienen whatsapp?   Estas tu en contacto con Roberto Mezzana?
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: Hablate you speak with him
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Jesus Lopez?
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: Tambien esta incluido. Esta Luis Alfredo Mezzana. No Roberto
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: La idea deberia ser que Uds que estan en la lista que reciben donaciones puedan chatear para el bien comun en la dificil situacion en que estamos. Parece que la falta de intercambio de informacion esta afectando la recolecta de fondos
8/25/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Hi pal, I did not know that Adolfo created a whatsapp group but it seems good to me.
8/25/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: The logical thing is to unite everything I will talk to the
8/25/18 Ladislao Kertesz: How do you communicate with those who do not have whatsapp? Are you in touch with Roberto Mezzana?
8/25/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: You speak with him
8/25/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Jesus Lopez?
8/25/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: He is also included. Also Luis Alfredo Mezzana. No, not Roberto
8/25/18 Ladislao Kertesz: The idea should be that you who are on the list who receive donations can chat for the common good in the difficult situation we are in. It seems that the lack of information exchange is affecting the collection of funds
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: Whatever, but the aid is coming to an end.
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Solo informo como editor de la Circular. That is right my friend
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: We are duplicating information...  with 2 groups
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: But I do not think that it cannot be reverted
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: We will wait and see.
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: Since I did not know the group existed. I was working to get informacion that would incluye those with simple phones.
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: Get in touch with Adolfo and you 2 sort it out
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: So I scratched my experiment.
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: You guys are the old old..  boys we are just old. Ok
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: I only tried to reach all those in need just like with the circular. Number 877 was sent out today
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: ok
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: I hope that the Bs. soberano is going to work out with you. Your salary just raised x 30+. I am old old and with the pension.  Shall see Next Month. Haha. Next week Pedro and Isaias are inviting for a lunch Hope you can assist
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: I guarantee you that in a short time... they are scratching 3 more 000 from the BsS.
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: If we can get some more funds in Trinidad we might weather it.
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: I am short of money.
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: If I can be of help, or the circular, to make an appeal please let me know.
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: Have to cut expenses
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: We must unite and use all efforts for a common cause.
25/8/18 Kecskemeti Pablo: ok
25/8/18 Ladislao Kertesz: I am sure you have and I have things that would make our life easier if we would cooperate. We can talk it over during the future lunch. Remember that the metro fare is free.
My 50 words and a little more.  Written in 2013
I, Joseph Habib 1973-1980, have a confession to make.
When I was going to the Mount and growing up and becoming a young man, my life was comfortable.
I had friends that I looked forward to seeing each day.
There were sports, camping, hiking, drama, the mount......
You name it, it was there.
I knew guys in forms ahead of me and guys in lower forms.
It was like a big family.
Then the time came when I sat my school leaving exams, 1980.
After that I went out into the world, leaving behind what I had grown up and loved.
At first I know I had to make it or die trying.
I went full speed ahead, never looked back.
Now 2013, 33 years later I have realised that I had one regret.
For the 9 years, I have been slowly being re-introduced back to the mount, and it is paining me to see that, to them, through the eyes of the priests, we abandoned not only them but the school.
What I found out recently, is that there are only 11 priests remaining and 5 of them are over the age of 80.
Do the maths.
What's going to happen to the Mt. St. Benedict in the near future.
Guys, what we have is this electronic form of communication.
The guy who is running this messaging service without total cooperation from all of us, including myself.
We need input from each and everyone out there.
If the mount dies, then so do we.
The only thing that we all have in common. is the same place we all went to school.
We all grew up on the hill.
Don't leave it behind.
There, I have paid my fee in full.
December 15, 1982.
From J. Gordon Lang
Bogota Colombia
I have received your news disclosed in a Christmas Circular Letter which I plan to mail in the course of next week, Mysterious like Hitchcock, eh:
However, what I want to tell you in this letter cannot wait until then.
My eldest daughter, Johanna (20 years), is going to spend Christmas and the New Year in Connecticut (U.S.A.) with friends and plans to visits Canada for a short while immediately after, which would be around January 7th next.
I would greatly appreciate if you could receive her and put up with her, sorry, put her up and guide her as much as you can about studies and universities in your part of Canada.
She speaks English.
If I don’t receive a telex of something from you before then, I shall phone you at your office on Monday, the 13th instant because Johanna is leaving for the States on the 15th.
She can sleep in the living-room sofa. Anything!.
Love to all
Jesus Lopez <>
Aug 27 at 6:08 AM
Brother I read the circular from our schoolfellows in Mount,
I remember four of them, Óscar Cantore and brother, those kids that, his father had aircraft and fly over the School when he was coming for them, they are from Cantaura -Anzoategui,
Winston Ramsahai and Santiago Robleda the athlete who when jumping highjump fell on his head, 
They belonged to the St. Antony´s sport team like me, they all studies with me,
I would be very happy to contact them if you have they e-mail address, please send me it.
I have forget to tell you that I have meet two Olds Boys that were in Mount when I were there, Miguel Ángel Luongo (alto pana) with me and Roberto Mezzana (Caripe),
I had not met them for 52 years and I don't have news from them and I am glad to know that they are alive, maybe I can remember another one if I see his name published in the newsletter of the Abbey School.
From:  Glen Mckoy (
Sent:  Sun 8/30/09 2:21 AM
Dear Savorgnan,
Thank you for your call today, I look forward to seeing you next April, if you come down to Nova Scotia. 
I understand you went to the mount around 1958, and you have lost track of those of your time, well hopefully some of your classmates are here and will make contact. 
I am surprise of the amount of flogging you guys got at that time, its sad to hear this, as you said in your days it was really very strict, in my times the end of the 60's and early 70's, the only beating you got was from a fellow classmate,
I do understand why some boys have been hesitant in the beginning, with some really negative feelings towards the mount, 
this is why we talk to each other here in the club, we share our good and bad, as only we can. 
We all have stories that we can share, because its our little history. 
At the beginning many of these stories were shared Savorgnan, some were unpleasant however many were of some really good times too, don't worry every one of us must have been bullied around or treated unfairly in some way in the four years there,
I hope when you look back the good times over shadow the bad ones, by you calling me a boy of a different time, not even knowing me is a positive step, showing we have overcome some of our past bitterness of some of those who took charge of us, and can speak of this as mature and intelligent men. 
It was a pleasure speaking to you,
I will cc. Nigel Boos on this, he will be able to give you the list of classmates from your time, and please do contact Nigel also.
You said you live in North Florida, I think David De castro is in your neck of the woods, and maybe many more old boys, please keep intouch and we will find you my friend.
Thank you for accepting all my emails, 
Best regards
Glen McKoy.
Nigel P. Boos <>
Sunday, June 1, 2008 7:59:11 PM
Thank you, Salvador, for your great detective work in finding Luciano.
Every little bit helps, and it's good to know we have your support, my brother.
I'll send him a note, and welcome him into the fold, thanks to you.
May God bless you.
Salvador Coscarart <>
Saturday, May 31, 2008 1:15:40 PM
Well, the search paid off.
Ladislao I found and spoke with Luciano and his wife Annette.
They live in Panama city Florida.
Here is his address: 501 blue heron drive.    Panama city, Florida 32404.
His home phone is : 1 (850) 871 1565.........
I told him I was going to send you his information, also here is his e-mail,
Okay my mount brother am glad to be of help.
As usual am in the gulf of Mexico working but always got time for mount boys .
Take care and god bless.
Salvador Coscarart <>
Saturday, May 31, 2008 1:24:54 PM
Hola Ladislao,
Ya te mande la información de Luciano Savorgnan.
Lo mande a tu direccion de
Su esposa se llama ANNETTE. el vivio en El Tigre cuando fue al mount. .
Su direccion postal es   501 Blue Heron Drive.   Panama City ,Florida 32404.
Bueno hasta la proxima
saludos and god bless
salvador coscarart.
12-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Regards to the boss
13-03-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Excellent fishing in Punta Cana, sail fish and a white marlin within 15 mins of ea...Frank hooked us up with a great Captain...
13-03-2017 Berment Joseph: So who caught the fish: the captain?
13-03-2017 Cantore Oscar: Kiko just got in the picture
13-03-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Jealous...
13-03-2017 Cantore Oscar: you are correct.....jajajajajajaaja saludos
13-03-2017 Zanelli Enrique: 😂😂
13-03-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Awesome. Bring some home to bbq.
13-03-2017 Zanelli Enrique: 👍
13-03-2017 Charles Neil: That's the fish I use for bait
13-03-2017 Cantore Oscar: whale fishing
13-03-2017 Gomes Ian: I caught one once and it took the sea 2 weeks to fill the hole in the sea it came out of.
13-03-2017 Kenny Azizul: So how many whales did u ever caught
13-03-2017 Gomes Ian: Going Bequia for Easter and will get whale to eat.😆
13-03-2017 Kenny Azizul: Take Neil with u
13-03-2017 Gomes Ian: No way. I greedy.  Going to exercise later folks.
13-03-2017 Coscarart Salvador: How far is Bequia from trinidad, one the nurses that was taking care of me was from there.
13-03-2017 Gomes Ian: Salvador Bequia is the first of the Grenadines when you leave St. Vincent. Do you know the name of the nurse? The reason i ask is because the population is only about 8000 so everybody generally knows each other. I have 2 cousins from there that are nurses but they are in Tennessee i believe.
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Ian we called that arranged marriage Induan style. Aziz Toddy advise ....  the one who connect the two is called the NAU
13-03-2017 Berment Joseph: I would prefer to be the Lookanee
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Oh nooooooo Joe you are banned from the bedroom. Aziz have to explain the Hindi interpretation to Salvador
13-03-2017 Berment Joseph: Winston, You sound like my wife.
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Ha ha you get caught
13-03-2017 Kenny Azizul: U guys lost me I was not paying attention wat we talking about
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Ian is making a fix up for Salvador
13-03-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey Winston I am coming down in 2 weeks for the weekend maybe we can meet for a few. Hey Ian can u fix me up too
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Have some El Dorado to finish
13-03-2017 Kenny Azizul: Ok. Ian got a retirement job. Call me 774-4999. Big catch Enrique sure it was fun pulling him in great memories
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: I. Mayaro all we catch is catfish. It's amazing
13-03-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Don't like catfish... too ugly
13-03-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: It bite
14-03-2017 Fr. Imash: Papa God you are the author of our lives, it was you who formed us in our mothers' wombs and nurtured us to be the persons we are today. Let us never lose sight of that O God, and our complete reliance on you for all that we have and all that we are. Humble us Father that we can be an example of your love, and a witness to the mercy and grace you continue to shower upon us. May our lives O God be a demonstration of your compassion, your forgiveness and your own willingness to sacrifice so that others might live. And when our today is over, bring us to that place of unimaginable peace.
14-03-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Ian the name if the nurse is Lucinda Hercules she works at the Memorial Hermann Hospital in Katy Texas. She is also married and she did go to mt st benedict to visit
14-03-2017 Charles Neil: How do u get to beauties from Trinidad, only been there on a boat. Bequia
14-03-2017 Kenny Azizul: Stuck at home snow storm
14-03-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Stuck in the beach
14-03-2017 Coscarart Salvador: i'd rather be stuck at the beach.
 beautiful beach.jajajajajaj
14-03-2017 Charles Neil: Stuck in the sand u mean. Neil: Sunny and warm in Florida. It taste like chicken
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
53MBS0017ABBEY, Marie Boissiere
16LK0001SAB, Stephen Aboud
14LK8700FBPALGRP, Peter ALkins and group of cyclist
07SC0005SCOSFAFAM, Salvador Coscarart, Sarkis Farchak and family

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