Saturday, 29 September 2018

Circular No 882

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 of September 2018 No. 882
Dear Friends,
Some additional news on the REUNION in St. Petersburg. Florida
Amickiew <>
Sep 26 at 1:32 PM
Great news Don.
Glad to see the growing attendance.
My consulting trip to Mexico is still a conflict with reunion.
Still hoping that the client will change the dates.
Greetings to all, George 
From: Donald A Goddard
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 10:03 AM
Subject: UPDATE August 5, 2018 - Mount Old Boys Reunion in St. Petersburg
Phone calls to guys all over the globe is expensive and not practical.
Mount boys have been contacted through your email list, 
George's (Yuri) list  and Don Mitchell's email list.
If by now, of the one million Mount Boys out there, those who don't know by now know about the reunion, are living in a cave.
We all know cave dwellers usually don't go out even to catch a few sun rays.
Donald A Goddard <>
Sep 26 at 1:20 PM
This morning I had the great pleasure of talking with Kris DeMarothy.
He is interested in accompanying us at our reunion in St. Pete  in just over a couple of weeks’ time.
Christian and I are looking forward to see you guys again after so many years. 
Terry John Vieira
Yahoo <>
Sep 5 at 3:03 PM
78 is young Tony (we are almost there), was he in poor health? 
Condolences to the family and may he Rest in Peace.
Best Wishes
Edward Lloyd
Suggested date: October 14, 15, 16, 2018
Tentative List as of September 26, 2018
1)  George Mickiewicz
2) Christian Goddard
3)  Donald Goddard
4)  Salvador Coscarart
5)  Pedro Coscarart
6)  Berment McDowald
7)  Neil Charles
8)  Glen Schaeffer
9)  Anthony Seheult
10) Paul de Verteuil
11) Azier Atela
12) Garnet Diaz
13) Glen McKoy
14) Richard Galt
15) Chris DeMarothy
16) Alan Chandler
17) Glen Evelyn
18) Terrence Ferreira
Hi, Douglas,
Yes, you have Gordon and me identified.
I really hope you can get a platform (not one of those unmanageable South Korean schoolgirl’s Samsung phones) to prepare a short bio to send to Ladislao so he can put it in the Circulars. 
There are plenty of Old Boys out there that have been wondering if you are alive and well.
So: which schools did you attend after Mount; which actions in Vietnam were you present at; what happened to you in Vietnam and after you left; who did you marry (first, second and third, if necessary); who are the children if any; who did they marry, and how many grandchildren did they present you with; what have you been doing since the Navy; which were the oil companies; what oilfields did you work in; when did you retire; what are you doing since you retired?
Things like that.
It would be great to hear the details.
From: Douglas Houk
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 5:58 PM
Well Don
I do remember you and yr brother Gordon and the nickname box head
Kids will be kids
I guess when I left the Mt I went to another private school and finished there
I joined the U S Navy and went to Vietnam I was 19 and I thought I was tough Stuff and got taught I was not but all in all it was a good time for me=
-------------------------------------------------- <>
Sep 17 at 5:39 AM
Hi Laszlo
Terry John Vieira went to the Eastern Caribbean Farm Institute in Trinidad for a few years and got a diploma in agriculture to prepare him to enter the family business
he worked in it off and one for many years becoming a director in the business for the past several years, we will miss him.
He was married twice and had two children a boy and a girl the Boy lives in Canada and the Girl Natasha lives here and is now a lawyer.
laszlo kertesz <>
Sep 15 at 5:43 PM
Hi there
Sorry for the loss, God bless him with eternal life.
Please need information on his after The Abbey School life.
What studies he realized, Where he lived, Family??
It is sad but the Circular has no information on his CV.
And would like to add something other than RIP to his files
Can you help
LAdislao KErtesz
02-04-2017 Zanelli Victor: Buenos tiempos de Aqualads. Saludos Salvador. la mujer que está detrás tuyo en el carril 4, es la misma que está detrás mío en el carril 5. What a coincidence.
02-04-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Ella era una time keeper.
02-04-2017 Zanelli Victor: El del carril 4 eres tú o tu hermano Pedro?
02-04-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Pedro en el cuatro, Johnny Garcia en tres y yo en 2
02-04-2017 Zanelli Victor: Salud
02-04-2017 Zanelli Victor: Cheers from Chile.
02-04-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Cheers hnito. Un abrazo
02-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: San Diego
02-04-2017 Ladislao: Nice looking and homely
02-04-2017 Ladislao: This could have been our abbey
02-04-2017 Moffie Edgar: You said it.....yes it could have been our Abbey.... It's very homely...
04-04-2017 +1 (813) 440-0251: what the hell!!!
04-04-2017 Berment Joseph: Ron, I can't believe it. Hasn't the picture being doctored?
05-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Expect God's favor, health, provision and peace today!
05-04-2017 Allen Keith: D untouchables Eleot
06-04-2017 Coscarart Salvador: 1970 Ford Torino Combertible.
06-04-2017 +1 (813) 440-0251: you could done the film with Clint Eastwood...jajaja
06-04-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: Very interesting !! In what year was the Queens visit to T&T ?
06-04-2017 Fr. Imash: Must have been early / mid 1960's when we were still civilized
06-04-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: I do remember Eric Williams and the Chancelor Queens Park Savanna ....1967!
06-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: 1962
08-04-2017 Joseph Habib: Good thing for all those lonely guys out there. Lol
10-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey sal great video is that a nike glasses
10-04-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Thank you Azizul, hope you enjoyed it
10-04-2017 14:46:41: M Moffie Edgar: I guess that's your boat.....jajaja....
11-04-2017 18:41:09: Ladislao: Roberto bodington is on line,  from Maracaibo class 1958.  Give him a welcome
11-04-2017 18:43:55: Joseph Habib: Welcome Sir Robert Bodington to our whatsapp chat group.
11-04-2017 18:47:08: Ladislao: He just received a celular from class 1958 donors, to replace his old one without whatsapp
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Welcome Robert and a thanks to the alumni donor 1958
11-04-2017 Berment Joseph: Hello Roberto, This is Joe. Welcome brother!
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Hi Ian the water appears very calm ....enjoy your retirement
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey Roberto how u doing welcome
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Aziz did u visit TT
11-04-2017 M Kenny Azizul: Coming in 2 weeks I will call u guys
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Good look foreword to meeting over curry
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Yea
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Jimmy  wants to connect with u 685-1185
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: When I come let's really meet please
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Will call Joe to network
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Ok thanks
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Just give us a day or two notice
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Will do
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Practicing how to cook callaloo soup go in to visit Enrique soon ........ his favourite
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Yea that's everyone's fav  make sometimes  also make pone I google everything
11-04-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Found a similar leaf in the Mexican supermarket Ron let's turn back the clock
11-04-2017 Cantore Oscar: Rerun Azizul need to update
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: I did shit I am deleting a lot of crap  but sending them around before I delete
11-04-2017 Berment Joseph: Para mi Callaloo must have coconut milk, pumpkin, fine thyme, salted meat and crab to b authentic.
11-04-2017 Kenny Azizul: Salted meat ?
11-04-2017 Moffie Edgar: Salvador there is no such salted meat in kalaloo....unless you want to use pig tale instead of crab.....but most use is crab...
11-04-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Hola Roberto bienbenid  crab is best
11-04-2017 Berment Joseph: The original Calallo always had salted pig tail or salted salt beef less frequently AND crab. In recent years, the recipe has changed to include beef to accommodate  some Christian denominations, Rastarfarians, and Moslems   but  if you want to accommodate everyone you have to leave salt meat out altogether. I prefer the original recipe and if you read a good cook book that is over 60 years old, there will be no dispute.
11-04-2017 Berment Joseph: Edgar, You are wrong.
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
53MBS0020ABBEY by Marie de Boissiere
10AG0012JSC Joe Schoemaker
07EV7459GRP, Reunion 2007
05AS0001ASAGRP, This is the only photo available of Antoine Sabga

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