Saturday, 7 July 2018

Circular No 870

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 7 of July 2018 No. 870
Dear Friends,
To keep up a routine, here is the O.A.S.I.S. Bull No.4. Copied faithfully, the photographs are attached and I have included the names or note for each of them, to make it easier to file away. Naturally I would like to get updated photos and the resume of each person mentioned.
December 1982
Fruitful Fellow Frollickers,
My sincere apologies for the grand delay in getting another OASIS out to you; as much water has flowed beneath the bridges of life, while I have lain dormant here in the East.
I have not had too much financial response to my appeal, but a few faithfully have contributed to the welfare of our little bulletin, and I continue anyway, out of the love of fellowship.
Soon after the releases of the June Letter the news of BRO. GABRIEL’S passing away reached me, and for the real old boys, this faithful character was indeed the Corner Stone of the Mount, in fact he probably laid it.
Architect, comedian, fists like the paws of a lion, Brother Gabriel constructed his way into the history and the hearts of us all, and we should remember him with the fondest of memories  and prayers. He died peacefully at 88 years of age.
Lots of news has come from NIGEL BOOS, (the Voice), Amoco Chemicals, who sent both regards (and money).
He gave me ALISTAIR LANGE’s address, and I wrote to him, as ESMOND was as old boy.
Got a long letter from Alistair who is in Western Australia and give me Esmond´s address. He is in Norway with Dowell Schlumberger.
Alistair is quite ill, has shares in a company that RICHARD and LEARY O´CONNOR have established there in Perth; both of the latter are in the Offshore Oil Business, and I hope that they will write soon with some news.
Nigel (in Aug.) had 2 kids and one on the way. He was glad to get GEOFFREY PRADA´s address as Amoco was trying to contact MARAVEN in Venezuela and there was his contact.
Hurray for the Old Boys!!.
Well would you believe, I got a fabulous letter from CECIL INCE, he was the first day student of Mount, and way back when – so the younger crowd probably won’t remember him; he really updated me on an host of “Old Mounties” who are in Barbados – so any one looking for an economical holiday will have a host of contacts in the land of the flying fish.
He gave me data on JOHN CAMPS – CAMPINS, SCIPIO SOODEEN, MACK KING and TREVOR EVELYN, he said was in Mississauga, Ontario.
So I gave Trevor a Christmas call, what a fabulous thing – he works for Sears since he came to Canada in 1975, is married with six kids – not only did he run first at school, he worked quite fast otherwise too, he has promised to write me thanks Cecil.
Trevor will try and get me MICKEY CHATTERTON´s address – he is in Malton, Ontario.
Cecil also met FR. JOHN MENDES whom he had not seen for 33 years what a joy.
Cecil has 3 kids, Edward 20, Martin 18 and Maureen 13.
TREVOR SOODEEN allowed his flourishing scrip to reach me.
Trevor has remarried and was in good ol´Trinidad for Carnival this year.
He missed PHILIP NESSIEF who was also there at the time. He also visited Florida and never knew he was so close STANLEY FERGUSON who lives in Lakeland.
Just got the Annual Report of the Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, and we seem to be well established in the banking world.
Better get in the line you guys, for here is ANTHONY LUCKY, our Sprint Champion, Magistrate, etc. etc. sharing the wealth.
Doesn’t he ever look well? I have not been able to track down the whereabouts of his brother, WINSTON, I believe he came up to Canada.
Also got a lovely letter from FR. ADELBERT VAN DUIN giving me the news of FR. BERNARD’s progress, and that he would be back at the Mount towards the end of this year 1982.
Don’t know if he made the trip, but perhaps he will write us a note for our next bulletin.
Our prayers are needed especially for Fr. Bernard for his continued progress and his complete recuperation.
My whole family met Fr. Adelbert this January and he is the same as ever, fresh as a rose, and mischievous as a baby kitten.
He is also looking good (I did not say “good looking”).
You might remember Geoffrey Prada´s family photo in the past bulletin:
Well, some of those Venezuelan hombre´s must have got hold of a copy, then on the 30th of July, I got a letter from him saying his daughter, Lisa had just got married – so you see the OASIS has struck again.
I also spoke to CHARLES PRADA when I was in St. Catharines, recently and Charles has a wedding of his daughter coming us in January 1983.
He had a very tragic loss of his eldest son Ricky this year – a terrible shock for them all.
In March, his family went on a car trip to Miami from Canada which was a new experience for them.
Charles is also interested in getting into a new job in the peninsula area – so if any of you know of anything in the line with his background; Texaco marketing, Motor bike Sales, etc. give him a call.
Incidentally, J.D.MILLER is still trying to get into the oilfield business again; he lives in Montreal, and I have been looking out East for him, but perhaps the Westerners or the Venezuelans could keep a close eye.
Got a letter from HUGH HENDERSON who is still with the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto, and sometimes goes down to Trinidad on inspection or whatever.
He writes to say that STEPHEN SHOUL of Antigua was up in Canada in August to put their two kids Robbie and Nicole to school here.
IAN SHOUL was not well, but is up sprite (for his size) and about these days I keep in touch through his daughter Diane who is at St. Mary´s University in Halifax.
Hugh with a couple of brothers spent 4 years here at St. Mary’s; we can still see some of the red paint about the town.
Sorry, but I missed RAY DeCAMBRA the first time around, he is a Director of Royal Bank T & T and he was so engrossed with paper work I didn’t recognize him.
Probably that’s way he has little time left to dedicate a few words to his secretary, and send it off to us up here.
Ray, you may recall was one of first King Scouts in Trinidad, along with ROBERT LLANOS, and myself.
Ray has not (yet) entered the field of marital bliss, and I hope we hear from him soon with some news from “down yonder”.
Another letter last month from Australia, ANTHONY LLANOS; avocados doing just fine, and he is putting in 100 more trees.
His son Mark 17 helps him in the farm.
Anthony’s just changed his main job doing finance with Town & Country Building Society, similar work to that he did at Barclays in Trinidad.
His other 2 kids, Theresa is married, and Naomi 15 is expert on horses back – enters competitions and the works.
He reports that JOHN SKINNER´s niece (Derby England) just got married and moved from England down near them in the West.
My most recent letter is from GORDON LANG in Colombia whose daughter (Johanna 20) will be visiting us in January 1983 to have a look at the Universities up here to further her studies in Marine Biology, etc.
He will be writing in more detail in New Year with his Christmas letter so I look forward to giving you all some more news.
Got a Christmas card from STANLEY FERGUSON who lives near Disney World (we are hoping to make a trip down with all the kids, next year, if we win the lottery).
He seems settled to the life of oranges and sunshine, and reports that DUNCAN and PETER are as ever, working, eating, sleeping and playing, off and on.
I guess that is about it for now, sorry about the delay, and for those of you who have not sent in your subscription, it is $10.00 US until the Lord alone knows when.
Also, drop me some news about, you, your job and any other “Oldies” that cross your winding path through life.
Until then,
Adios amigos
Feliz Navidad
12-02-2017 Khan Kelvin: Hi Kamal is High up in the department for admission to Rutgers University  Medical College in New Jersey . He is due to retire next year. He was here for Christmas.  Hello everyone
12-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: ok
12-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Congrats to Dr Kamal Khan he is from my hometown Rio Claro extend courtesies kelvin
13-02-2017 Fr. Imash: Thank you Papa God for waking me today, for your breath of life, and for the many blessings which I have received from you. There is so much around me O God that speak to your presence and your involvement in my life. Open my eyes that I might see the signs of your presence in the random acts of kindness that people do for me each day, in my family that continues to support and forgive me even in darkest days, and for friends who lift me when I'm at my lowest. Give me today O God a faith that never wavers, a hope that never fades and a love that never grows cold. And when my days are over O God, bring me to that place of eternal rest reserved for those who struggled for perfection and longed for holiness.
13-02-2017 Khan Kelvin: Ronnie thank you for that wonderful prayer and reminder if God's favours surrounding us. Your neighbour and friend.  Kelvin
13-02-2017 Fr. Imash: Kelvin how you get so scarce boy
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: All this talk and no mention of a reunion while we are still alive
13-02-2017 Berment Joseph: I dead already: from the waist down!
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: Joe where are you. Joe, that's personal, we don't need to know
13-02-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Ok. Sorry  wrong group
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Hello Neil where have you been. Bro. I moved to Katy texas. Still got same number.
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: Yes, same number
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: work
13-02-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: It's nice to hear that you are with Enrique !!
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Hola fofeo. Como estas
13-02-2017 Berment Joseph: All I am getting is these pious sounding responses: impossible to believe that I have no company.
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: tu en venezuela todavía. To all my brothers from mount. I am asking for your prayers so i can get back to good health. Am in the hospital with pneumonia and to much fluids around my left lung. Thank you . God bless you all.
13-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Hey Joe since u dead if u need help call me. The doctor say I am like a 21 year old
13-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: That's what we call faith....Brother....
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Hola Salvador, mejorando?
13-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: He Sal my prayers are with u my brother
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Hola Fofeo cómo estás, soy Frank Ibarra
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Hola Frank es Óscar cantore
13-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Salvador we are not forgetting you...yoi are in my prayers brother..
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Como estas?. Sal feels left out
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Epa Oscar que bueno saber de ti!!!
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: We need to send him flowers.  Cantore Oscar: And get well cards
13-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Yes , get better so your lazy butt to work...😂😂😂
13-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Oscar.....Moffie por aqui.....como va eso en Panama???...
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Sigues con los Cisneros?. Zamuro! Como estas?
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Ya no, desde hace 3 años. Ahora con un grupo haciendo un proyecto en Cap Cana.  Dónde estás?
13-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Aqui hermano luchando en este mar....como esta todo...
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Panamá. Edgar nos toca a todos luchar para seguir adelante sólo que en Venezuela es cuesta arriba
13-02-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: Salvador mejórate pronto !! Frank ya leí este fin que aparecisteis .... Me alegra !! Oscar siempre jodedor como siempre !!!
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Mi cuñada y su familia se mudaron allá hace como 2 años
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Yo llevo 6 aqui
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Q bueno!!!
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Sembrando hongos y haciendo pinturas
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Ya tenemos nietas panameñas
13-02-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: Un fuerte abrazo para todos !!!
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
kv Raymon de Cambra
82AK0001GLA, Gordon Lang
82AK0001BGM, Brother Gabriel Mokveld
82AK0001ALU, Anthony Lucky

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