Monday 16 July 2018

Circular No 871 Extra

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 16 July 2018 No. 871 extra
Dear Friends,
Emails follow.
On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 10:55:35 p.m. GMT-4, Joseph Berment-McDowald <> wrote:
Dear Fellow Director/Specially Invited Member,
Please find attached Notice of Meeting and Agenda. The Meeting will be held at J.D. Selier + Co.'s Port of Spain office.
The minutes of the last meeting are also enclosed for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Dear All
Joe has asked me to resend this e-mail which was shared with y’all last week.
He would like to provide some feedback to all of us.
Please provide your thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc….thanks in advance for your value adding inputs.
From: Joseph Berment-McDowald []
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2018 10:35 AM
Dear Joe and Gabe…
Just transferred $200US to Gabe’s account for upcoming assistance to Venezuelan oldboys via Dr Aumitre.
Dear Brothers
Joe asked me to summarize some ideas/options to continue the financial support required to assist our brothers-in-need in Venezuela.  
This is the first item in the meeting agenda for next Wednesday.
Before the meeting next Wednesday, please: 
1.     Say a prayer so that the Holy Spirit will inspire and lead each one of us
2.     Print the attached 3 documents
3.     Read them
4.     Record your comments and questions as appropriate
5.     Bring item 3 above to review and discuss in the meeting
6.     Bring your ideas to the meeting
Attached are documents address:
1.     Proposed fund raising framework
2.     Approach that I have used in the last 2 months with family and friends….and its current status
3.     Some additional ideas
To succeed in any Christian fund raising effort, we will need:
1.     Trust in God to lead the way
2.     Buy-in, commitment and active support by all of us
3.     Credibility
4.     Transparency
5.     Sensitivity to those being assisted in Venezuela
6.     A bridge of trust between potential donors and the ASAA
7.     Effective communication and follow-up.
8.     Expand the leadership role for this specific fund raising to other oldboys living in key regions of the world where mini-reunions and other “social” events can be organized within the country to raise funds.
9.     Good Stewardship….eg., recognize money transfer costs, options and limitations…eg. Gabriel Faria is only allowed 6 free bank transfers per month via the Zelle App.  Have found Zelle to be the most effective way to transfer US$ from my bank account to Gabe’s.  Not sure if this option is available in all countries.  Wiring US$ is very expensive.  Not sure what would be the cost of transfers via Western Union.
Hope to see and speak with each one of you via Skype next Wednesday,
Your brother in Christ,
George/Jorge/Yury/Shis (AB/MSB 1956-1962)
PS – Please acknowledge having received and read this note…thanks
From: Joseph Berment-McDowald []
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2018 10:35 AM
Dear George,
As I said earlier after reading your fund raising documents.
They are very good. I particularly like the Wikipedia page that you begun to build and the link from your document to it.
I'll like to suggest that you share the documents in an email chat with the widest possible community using the email mail out list that Don and Ladislao use asking for collaboration in their refinement and take it from there.
I suggest however that you avoid the use of the word "smuggling" in correspondence shared with the wider community.
On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 9:24:21 AM AST,
Dear Abbey School Alumni Association (ASAA)
In continuing our "conversation" regarding the initiation of a formal fundraising effort for our Venezuelan oldboy brothers-in-need, here is my response to the thoughts presented by Joe in the ensuing email thread.
Below, in red, are 5 criteria that I got from the internet that the ASAA needs to consider in its meeting next week:
Will your fundraising project succeed?
It will, if it meets the five criteria for fundraising success.
I have found over my quarter century in fundraising that failure to measure up in any of these areas means the program probably will not reach its goal.
So, assess how well your program measures up to the criteria listed below. 
Be objective. Don’t let your dedication to the cause cloud your judgment.
Is your cause really important to a majority the people in the community your program will benefit?
Are the funds needed to support the program lacking in your organization or elsewhere?
Have you identified the relatively small number of major donor prospects who believe in your cause and have the resources to account for at least 80 percent of your fundraising goal?
Do you have a staff person, or experienced volunteer, who can devote the considerable time needed to manage the program from start to finish?
Do you have a written action plan for the fundraising program that has been endorsed by the board and staff of your organization?
If your fundraising project falls short of the criteria in any area, don’t give up.
You might be able to correct the problem.
If you measure up, get going because the best time to raise money for a worthwhile project is always --now.
If the ASAA members agree to initiate a continuing fundraising effort to assist Venezuelan oldboys-in-need for potentially many years into the future....approve and implement before embarking on the actual fundraising efforts.
If initiated, ideal situation would be to convince an oldboy with fundraising experience...and living in volunteer to lead or mentor this effort.
Suspect that Father Harold might be able to provide connections to the Church in T&T which has been involved in "fundraising" for decades/centuries to assist with strategies, the how, what, where and when.  
Although I not have the "experience" stated in Step 4, I am willing to assist as much as I can in the stated role.  
George/Jorge/Yury/Shish (AB-MSB 1956-1962)
Mar 21 at 9:24 AM
Faria Gabriel
Guys Joe asked me sometime ago to put my thoughts to paper based on the work that George had done previously stated below.
The methodology to drive increased interest on donating funds consistently to the various causes of the ASAA.
The prime one now being support to our brothers in need in Venezuela.
The ease and cost of making a donation is one aspect of persons making consistent contributions.
Trinidad, Canada and the US each now allow electronic transfers between bank accounts for small sums and in most cases they are free or a nominal cost which make it relatively easy.
US: Zelle- phone or email address needed.
Free limited # of transactions Canada: interac- email address needed: C$1.50 per transaction
Trinidad: bank to bank transfer: bank account needed:
Free service paypal: paypal account linked to a bank account:
Free service the next is a having a goal which most people buy into:
while many of us are: from different places from different cultures live in difference countries range in age from probably 50 - 85
We share one common link: the Abbey School we made friendships anywhere between 35- 65 years ago and while some of those friendships have grown and some of us have stayed in touch and meet either frequently or occasionally in person or connect through the blog, Facebook, email etc.
The thought that some of our brothers are going through extremely difficult times not because of anything they have done but due to the severe economic situation in Venezuela.
this is one thing that we all can align to and bring us together to with a congruence of goals- to support our brothers, even if we may not have actually gone to school with some of the brothers it is something that pulls us together and gives us purpose.
The other thing that is needed is some method to understand the impact our contributions have had on our brothers.
How much has been collected, how has it been used, the impact it has had and on whom.
We must also have a financial target and communication
Jul 8 at 9:14 AM
Hi Guys
Per the article below, CryptoCurrency might be the next effective/efficient step to help our alums and their families in Venezuela. 
Has anyone tried using it so far?  Perhaps we should run a test.   
I will be glad to run a test from my end but would need Adolfo to “open an account” and let me know how to transfer the money to him. 
This is a suggestion and I will not proceed without the OK from the ASAA.
As I recall, the next visit by Adolfo to Trinidad is tentatively scheduled for October. 
FYI - I have been able to collect USA $240 so far from my family and friends versus the estimated USA $3150 that the ASAA has been contributing via Adolfo, who travels by boat to Trinidad every 6 months, to assist the 15?
alums and the their families ($35/family/month)
As of today it appears, approximately, that USA $1 = 3500000 bolivares in the black market;
  1 BITCOIN = 2900000 bolivares; 1 DICOM = 115000;
 1 DIPRO = 10 bolivares
May God continue to bless Venezuela in its journey to freedom and for all Venezuelans to be able to eat, be healthy and happy……
We Pray to the Lord,
George/Yury/Shis  (AB-MSB 1956-1962)
Jul 8 at 9:50 PM
Thank you very much, Gabriel, for taking the time to formulate this value adding proposal.
I will support whatever effort the ASAA decides to pursue as long as God gives me the strength to do it.
Suggest that we also consider the use of CRYPTOCURRENCY which I addressed in a note yesterday to the ASAA et al.
This approach, IF IT IS WORKABLE, would not require someone to travel to Trinidad to obtain the physical dollar bills and then run the risk of someone "robbing" him of the money in Venezuela.
I have also read that Maduro, in his need to get USA $$, is looking to opening "official channels" for transferring $$$ into Venezuela; but I suspect that the exchange rate into bolivares will be significantly lower than the "black market".
May God continue to bless and inspire the ASAA to help our Venezuelan alums in need,
Gabriel Faria <>
Jul 9 at 7:44 AM
I am not sure about cryptos as they tend to have volatile exchange rate swings.
I also am not sure how easy the conversion to traditional currency is in certain markets.
Maybe someone in the group has more information. 
Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Jul 9 at 11:17 PM
Whenever you are talking about money that becomes something that people want to hold on to in the hope of getting more of something else for it OR want to dump for fear of getting less than what they paid for it or believe it is worth at any point in time, that's a recipe for difficulty. 
Crypto Currency is not presently a currency but more of a commodity like wood, copper, oil or gas or a precious metal like gold or silver, even then the comparison is imperfect.
I am sorry that I didn't by $100,000 of Bit Coin when it cost just $300 per unit but I am afraid to buy any at the present time. 
I personally am suspicious that it is being manipulated by friends of the Russian state and criminals and could go bust any time.
Jul 12 at 7:43 AM
Thank you very much, Joe, for your prompt feedback and sharing your value adding fundraising ideas with us.  
Very sorry to hear that you have not been well...pray to God that you get back to good health soon.
Agree with your admirable confidence that it will all work out via the participation of the alumni through the continuing efforts and commitment of the ASAA.
Get well soon,
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
13LK1688FBAMA, Antonio Aman
17LK0002TRA, Toddy Ramsahai
63BF0002CLASS1963, signatures
08UN1587REUNION2008, UNKNOWN, Manuel Prada, Gabriel Farias, George Laquis and Christopher Knowles

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