Saturday, 14 July 2018

Circular No 871

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 14 of July 2018 No. 871
Dear Friends,
News on the Reunion in St. Petersburg, Florida
Donald A Goddard <>
Jul 3 at 11:05 AM
Right now I’m in my office at LSU that they let me keep although I retired in 2009. . However, I work from my home office most of the time and on that computer I didn’t have your email.
That’s the reason I let Yuri forward.
I finally added you to my home email and now I can send everything directly.
It would be great if you could make it to St Pete for the reunion.
I realize that for most, especially for those living in Cubazuela, it’s a difficult endeavor.
I’ve lost all contact with Urbano von Fedak .
He‘s probably in Germany with Babsy.  
I sure would like to get his email, if possible
Un abrazo,
From: laszlo kertesz []
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 8:41 AM
Subject: Fw: UPDATE June 28, 2018 - Mount Old Boys Reunion in St. Petersburg
Hi Don
No problem if you copy me. I do not bite, jajaja
Missing your feud with WVB, cokieeyes.
In Colombia for a short time, Shall try to update the Circulars 
Hi Ladislao
Please post this update by Don Goddard in your next Circular.
Un fuerte Abrazo,
On Thursday, June 28, 2018 1:02 PM,
Donald A Goddard <> wrote:
In a phone call this morning from Tony Seheult, he mentioned the possibility of Richard Galt making it to the Mount Reunion on October 14th.
That's great news.  I've attached the updated list.
It's worth reminding all that wives and children are more than welcome.
Around end of September, when we know more about the amount of people that will be attending our "Mount Boy" reunion,
I'll put together an agenda for the Sunday (10/14) and Monday (10/15).
It will be based on Marlene's and Lionel's free time on those days.
George, please forward to the rest of the Mount Group  through Ladislao or Don M.
Donald G.
Caracas, 28 of March 2002.
Dear Fr. Augustine
I am resending my 1 of February email to you, since I do not know if you have received it. There has been no communication between the Monastery´s computer and our group or in that case with me. Please send us a short note indicating if you are well or any news that you might want others to have.
1 of February 2002.
This is the first time I write to you since my visit to TT. The visit brought back good memories and as you see in my lines written for msb oldboys and the web page there is a movement to inquire about old friends and classmates.
Your Guava Jam was very good, I left some for the Vaughan family!!!.
I am glad to have been able to meet you and have the conversation, I am sorry that the time was short and that I could not exchange all the ideas that were in my head as I was being escorted by the friends where I stayed, and I did not want the take more of their time than would have been excessive.
By now you must have read several of my circulars. I hope that you like them. In my addressing system I still do not know how to separately address the circulars so that Fr. Benedict would get his personally and Fr. Cuthbert but some day. I write to all of you with the same kindness.
I would like to get the address of Fr. Paul and Fr. Francis, whom you said to be still living and in a retreat house. Of course if there is an e-mail it would be good and if you could send some lines for those dead, the year, where, and how, that would be interesting. I remember you answering to my questions but my hard drive was full and cannot reproduce your answer for my circulars.
I am including the general list of msb students, I am sure you can add some more and eliminate those that were not. I shall keep you informed if new ones appear. The biggest problem is to find out the Form V graduation year because of the Hi C  and other additional courses that were given after the Oxford and Cambridge exams. Maybe Mrs. Markus can help with the list that she worked on. Do you show her the circulars???. How can I get an access to her year listing???. Don Mitchell who visited you last May told me that Fr. John offered the listing and photos from Fr. Bernard??. Maybe you can follow up.
I am in constant contact with Dr. Isaias Farcheg whom you know and he send his best greetings.
I need a two line information on those that have been in contact with you during these last years. Many of us have lost contact with others and are curious.
Has there been a book of magazine written about the mount, outside the Jubileum issues?? It is interesting that when I was in TT I have heard promotion to visit the mount in a radio station but no information appears in the internet??
This part is new: I hope that you are well and that you get my circular every week. The circulars are for all of you although I do not address them to anybody in particular. My system does not allow this.
God Bless
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Yo estuve por allá llevando a pescar a Bush senior
13-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Que menos ya hay mas familia....yo tengo 8 nietos.....
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: E ido varias veces pero me quedo más arriba en Kanaraipo. Zamuros nacen blancos 😀
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Edgar y no tienen Direct TV?
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Pareciera que no
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Oscar, lo lleve a Panamá
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Ah ok
13-02-2017 Moffie Edgar: Frank eso chamos no miden y eso que les digo.........
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: Buena pesca de altura aquí. Mosca no te violan también Vives en ambiente peligroso si ves un fuerte en el piso no te agaches
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Jajajajajaja
13-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Good one
13-02-2017 Allen Keith:  Met up with Mr Feriam Ali ( Ali-guitar) Dj Wax Live
13-02-2017 Rampersandsingh Anand: Cool
13-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Salvador Believe that the Lord is faithful and good to you. He will carry you through every trouble.
Our prayers are with you
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: Where the hell did u find him?
13-02-2017 Kenny Azizul: Puggs u ain't change at all still the same
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: Pogs, u should be a private investigator. Ali, he look different without the fro
13-02-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Aye is that is FEE ???
13-02-2017 Rampersandsingh Anand: Yes couva boy
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: He still ugly
13-02-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Na he get good better looking as he get older
13-02-2017 18 Charles Neil: Toddy, u need to get u eyes check. I thought u brother retire last year?
13-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Fee have my Afro comb
13-02-2017 Charles Neil: We have no use for them anymore, fee have some of my 45"s
13-02-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Sanford and son
13-02-2017 Ramsahai toddy: I will pass and check him
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Am still alive and in the hospital. It is great to see we abbey boys still have the grace to remember our brothers. Any body remembers or know the were abouts of Franco Marconi, Blajic, Hernesto Rozendall, Raul Izquierdo,
13-02-2017 Gomes Ian: Salvador didnt know you were in hospital bro. Hope you get well soon and re commence your ambassadorial duties.😀
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Amen. Thank you Ian. Have you seen Stanley Hacket. I know Wayne Hacket is in Miami área. Gangi is in new jersey by azizul . Oscar are you still in contac with Jose Maria Acosta.
13-02-2017 Cantore Oscar: He is awol. Divorced and went missing. Raul Sojo, Arturo Zavarce, los hermanos Malave: Frank, Carlos y Jose (Chente). Luis Elias, Patiño, Gabriel Batista, Tellerin, Carlos Guio de valencia. Well till next time run out of battery.
13-02-2017 Alfredo Montiel Bezara: Luis Elias is in CCS, Patiño is in Belen, Brasil ! G. Batista ???
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: we use to call him gringo he was tall and big boy.
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Ese era nuestro grupo!!! Alfredo si hablas con Patiño dile que le mando muchos cariños!!! Ibarra Frank: A todo ese grupo se le quiere!!! Se acuerdan de Barrilito?
13-02-2017 Gyuris Attila: Ha, I gave Gabriel  Baptiste  the nickname  "gringo" when he first got to the Mount because he spoke with a strong southern Alabama accent. He was a gentle giant. He set up a DJ station on the loudspeakers with music during the afternoons during bath time. He fancied himself a DJ / radio announcer.  He was pretty good at it too. Yo si me acuerdo del Barrilito. Lo botaron por pelearse a coñazos con Bro. Swa (el que hacía la miel de abejas)   quien lo cachó  quererse robar los mangos abajo del Refectory.  Yo vi la tremenda pelea.
Al fin el Barrilito (haciendo honor a su nombre y a su fuerza) lo tiró al suelo y le tiro una roca en la espalda. Por eso lo botaron, según me acuerdo. Duró unos dos años en el Mount.
13-02-2017 20:34:13: M Ibarra Frank: Jajajajajaj....yo están con él agarrando los mangos. Good old times!
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: yo tambien me acuerdo de bsrrilito Brother le dio un coñaso con un van
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Jajajajajaja!!!!
13-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: brother Zua. el se llamaba brother Camillus
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Tenía varios Doberman...esos perros me despertaron aullando antes de un temblor que hubo una madrugada. Donde Patiño se cortó el pie abriendo la puerta
13-02-2017 Alexander Garth: Hi guys could any one have info on. Joe Bento from Antigua and Robert Prevot from French Guyana and I can't seem to find out what happen to Randal Costello....
13-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Me acuerdo de eso clarito....yo lo vi cuando le pego la patada a la puerta.......Se acuerdan cuando llego el papa de Aranguren a recoger a todos los venezolanos en un avión de la FA.... vacaciones adelantadas 😅😅
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: Así es, despegamos y algunos de nosotros sentados en el piso...que hay de Aranguren?
13-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Ni idea.... una de mis hijas estudio con una venezolana aqui en houston de apellido Aranguren .... pero no era el ni tampoco pariente.... tal vez algunos de los q esta en ccs sepa algo.... su papa era jefe de la escolta o seguridad de Caldera....terminamos en su casa cuando llegamos a ccs
13-02-2017 Ibarra Frank: A desayunar!!!! El avión era el D.C-3 que tenía el nombre La Conquista del Sur...yo salí varias veces con él en CCS pero perdí la pista
13-02-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Coño, que memoria. Alguno q sepa de Aranguren que avise
13-02-2017 Allen Keith: I understand Franco passed some years ago in Barbados  Not positive
14-02-2017 Joseph Habib: This is spreading throughout New York and around the United States. There is no cure for it as per CDC. This patient is engaged and his fiancé is 4 months pregnant. Him and his boys went to the Dominican Republic and caught this from a girl he met out there. His pregnant girlfriend has contracted it from him and the baby had to be terminated.
Be careful who you sleep with.  CDC is aware of this and they have no cure for it. It will eat you from inside out.
14-02-2017 Coscarart Salvador: Yo tambien me scuerdo de eso . El temblor
14-02-2017 Ramsahai toddy: *Alzheimer's ........*
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,
If you would like to receive the Newsletter directly from the EDITOR, please send in your subscription, it is $50.00 USD, for a year, 52 issues, you are welcome to contribute.
This donation would help in the Circular´s preparation and keep it going for a foreseeable future, God willing, under the critical Venezuelan situation.
53MBS0007ABBEY, Marie Boissiere
63BF0003CLASS1963, signatures
08UN1599REUNION2008, Unknown, Gordon Mitchell, Gabriel Farias and Dennis Gurley
11LK0888FBPAL, Peter Alkins

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